Lobach says it would be easier for a white person to lead the charge on that issue.
If a white person puts on a Pakistani accent, there will be a frisson in the audience.
"When five black people appear to be shot by a white person, then the immediate reaction is there is a racial component, " Tulsa Mayor Dewey Bartlett told CNN.
Stephen Baldwin gives the liveliest performance as the sole white person in the posse (which also includes Tone Loc, Big Daddy Kane, Charles Lane, and Tiny Lister, Jr.).
According to the Joseph Rowntree Trust, if you fall into one of Britain's ethnic minority groups, you are twice as likely to be living in poverty than a white person.
"For a white person reading a book, they're very rarely going to go, 'I'm just assuming this is a black character' if he or she isn't marked as such, " he said.
First of all, Sonny is practically the only white person who has a thing to do with the church, but the racial side of the story gets a one-sentence nod rather than the subplot it more properly requires.
CNN: Review: Praise the Lord and pass the editing console for 'The Apostle'
Scheck also questioned some of the evidence from the gloves presumed used in the killings, noting that Simpson's arm hairs weren't found on them -- but one, from a white person, was found on the glove at Simpson's house, he said.
Raised nearby in a neighborhood so fiercely segregated that black residents needed a note from a white person to pass through -- at a time when so many doors of opportunity were closed to African Americans, others might have become angry or disillusioned.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Honors Senator Edward William Brooke
While Americans want a leader who can point a path forward, they also want to know that the person in the White House truly understands the pain many are suffering.
The sighting of the person wearing a white hood and robe was reported early Monday morning and follows a string of recent hate incidents on Oberlin's campus that have ignited shock and confusion among the student body.
In November 2009, Mr. Rother declined a White House request to have an AARP person take part in a roundtable.
But Dr Panja admits that while it can be seen as being a barrier to communication, some patients like to see the person treating them in a white coat.
The organization, known for its black, green and white label with an image of a person holding a bowl in front of a globe, says it's working with small businesses like PrAna, which sells yoga pants and other sportswear items to merchants like REI and Zappos.
On one side was the perpetually white-suited Martin Bell, uncertain in person, running a ramshackle campaign, fragrant daughter by his side.
Jason Furman, Principal Deputy Director of the National Economic Council, will join the multi-person video chat live from the White House.
He also found that the vast majority of successful leaders were white males who remained married to the same person all their lives.
He decided to go back to school to study political science at the University of Wyoming, and 12 years later at the age of 34 Cheney became the youngest person to hold the position of White House chief of staff in the Gerald Ford administration.
But he came to realize that a Kennedy was not the most appropriate person to chair hearings on the Nixon White House and supported Majority Leader Mike Mansfield's creation of the select "Ervin Committee" to finish the job.
Ms Tripp was the last person to see Vince Foster, the former White House counsel who committed suicide in 1993.
No names have been floated yet as to who the incoming administrator will be, although that person will have to be nominated by the White House and confirmed by the Senate.
White House attorneys pushed not to have the president testify in person, saying it would interrupt his presidential duties.
The White House concluded, the President concluded that Richard Cordray was the right person for the job going forward.
If he defeats Obama in November, McCain, 72, will become the oldest person ever to be elected to a first term in the White House.
In the event the Pritzker nomination unravels, the White House has identified at least one backup candidate, according to a person familiar with the search: Fred Hochberg, chairman and president of the Export-Import Bank.
Dr White is a philosopher, and he sought to establish the idea that a person need not be human.
It was kind of making fun of Hollywood's, you know, tendency to want to cast a white actor and make them anything else other than - rather than cast a person of color.
Dimon, once a regular White House visitor, was invited today but unable to attend, according to a person familiar with the meetings.
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The White House Social program invites people that engage with us online to attend in-person events, and then share their experience with their own online networks in real time.
WHITEHOUSE: Announcing the State of the Union White House Social
Another person accused Coke of "trickery, '' and still another called the white cans "blasphemy, '' among hundreds of tweets.
WSJ: A Frosty Reception for Coca-Cola's White Christmas Cans