So that's why you are all here today and we're really excited to have you.
WHITEHOUSE: First Lady Michelle Obama Discusses State and Official Visits | The White House
When police arrived at his friend's house Wednesday morning, the suspect said: "I know why you are here, " according to Mr. Molins.
The rooms and setting and food are all very good, but the reason why you simply must stay here if you visit are the guides.
And if any of you are still wondering why you're here -- (laughter) -- it's not just tea.
Ms. ISABELLE GARCIA (Immigrant Rights Activist): If I were standing in front of them, I'd say why are you throwing good money after bad here?
But picking which routes you want to explore might be tough because there are so many good ones, which is why our Forbes Travel Guide editors are here to help send you off in the right direction.
"You made a promise that you have broken and that is why we are all here today, " said Mr Thwaites.
And he asked me, well, people tell me this is kind of a Republican area, so why would you come here instead of going to where there are a whole lot of Democrats?
That's why Secretary Vilsack is here, because we are now focused on your future and what are you going to feel like and be.
And so you wonder - if developing countries are serious about getting an agreement here, why would they submit demands that have as much chance of success as a chocolate teapot?
As this important debate begins anew, here are five key misconceptions you need to know about the Voting Rights Act and why it remains as relevant today as the day it was originally signed.
For more on the current situation in both the NFL and NBA, and why the two situations are very different, you can listen to my interview with Jason Goch of Sporting News Radio here.