Why do you think that individuals, businesses and organizations might want to contribute to a political campaign?
Why do you think that PACs and political campaigns are required to disclose the sources of their contributions?
And why do you think that Ken Clarke could save the day and that Iain Duncan Smith cannot?
Why do you think that Waukegan is addressing this in this way?
Q25: Why do you think that there are more websites for what individuals can do about climate change than what companies and governments can do?
Why do you think -- and you all deal in ASEAN countries, as well as China -- why do you think that has happened, specifically with the ASEAN nations?
Cashman: Why do you think that is?
FORBES: A Global Leader's Perspective on CEO Leadership: Part One
What do you think they mean, and why do you think they put that statement out?
WHITEHOUSE: Press Gaggle aboard the Press Bus en route Davenport, IA
Why do you think it was that in the local elections you took all the key economic decisions and the Liberal Democrats have taken all the blame?
Why do you think it is that the British and American people look at a situation that they think is, frankly, a mess -- they see terrible sacrifice, they see two men who are unable to impose their wills -- and they just are not persuaded by your arguments?
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama and Prime Minister Cameron Hold a Press Conference | The White House
And do you think that's why globalisation gets so criticised at the moment, because it looks like the rich countries are profiting at the expense of the poor, I mean why do you think globalisation has so many enemies?
And I think there's no reason to believe why you can't do that again by providing a truly spectacular experience.
Why do you think Secretary of State Powell -and also as a former secretary of state he's not been that vocal in public?