Even George W. Bush was reelected by a wider margin than he was elected.
Put simply, those three teams outperformed their contemporaries by a wider margin than the '27 club did.
United's 18-game lead in the all-time series is a wider margin than any other MLS team has against its principal rival.
Internet adoption by the state's largest minority (either African Americans or Hispanics), trails Caucasians by a wider margin the U.S. average.
Meanwhile, The New York Times remained the largest Sunday newspaper by an even wider margin, with an average circulation of 1, 339, 462.
United States coach Brian Shimer believes the track will still be fast, even if it allows for a wider margin of error.
Generic drugs help drugstore profitability because they provide a wider margin between the cost for the pharmacy to purchase the drugs and the reimbursement received.
Mr Romney has previously served as governor of nearby Massachusetts and won the Maine caucuses by a much wider margin in his failed 2008 bid for the presidential nomination.
If it hadn't been for Livni, last week the Knesset would have approved by a much wider margin an anti-boycott law that enjoyed support from across the political spectrum.
Responding to last year's under-recruitment and in a bid to give universities more confidence in offering places, the Hefce funding council is allowing universities a wider margin for over-recruiting, before they face financial penalties.
"I expected more from us, yes, and I hoped for more, " said Lundqvist, who made 29 saves Saturday and in an all-too-familiar scenario for the Rangers was the only reason his team didn't lose by a wider margin.
George W. Bush carried the state in 2000 by just 537 votes, and carried the state by a wider five percentage-point margin in 2004.
Deeply liberal Temple is a microcosm of the wider city of Philadelphia, which Mr Obama swept by a margin of five to one at the last election, handing him the electorally vital state of Pennsylvania (he won the state by 620, 000 votes, almost 600, 000 of them from Philadelphia).
So this small margin we're seeing is only going to get a little bit wider as the day progresses.