But no one can be certain either how big the impact will be or how long it will last.
ECONOMIST: Is America��s economy too hot, too cold, or just right?
Stupidity precedes Twitter by many thousands of years, and I suspect it will last long after Twitter is gone.
FORBES: Ralph Fiennes Says Twitter is Killing the English Language
On any given day I can feel great, but I never know when the pain will come or how long it will last.
It's not yet clear how long the operation will last, but officials say it could be as long as a week.
He has done consulting work, Bronstein told CNN's Wolf Blitzer, but it's not clear how long it will last.
The new agreement will last longer than the earlier three-year deal, although the companies aren't disclosing how long it will last.
It's just not clear how long it will last at home or abroad.
Observers predict that even if Mr Netanyahu does manage to cobble together a coalition it will not last for long, given the wide differences between its likely elements over important questions of policy.
It may be difficult to predict how successful your idea will be and, if it is, how long that success will last.
The formal investigation is ongoing, Lombardi said Monday, refusing to comment on how long it will last.
CNN: No cardinal suspected of pope papers leak, Vatican insists
How long it will last, what the complications will be, and how likely it is to kill you.
And no one is smart enough to know how long it will last or how low the market will go.
Pundits are talking of Merkelliebe and wondering how long it will last.
Researchers question how much effect new rehab treatments have, how long it will last and whether lab training translates to the real world, says Edward Taub, a researcher at the University of Alabama at Birmingham, who wasn't involved in Friday's work.
Investors will likely shelter with the less risky stocks for some time, though it's unclear how long that will last.
We've determined through our own experimentation that Google has temporarily suspended the de-authorization limit of four devices, and while it's difficult to know how long this reprieve will last, we're hopeful that it'll remain in effect until Google implements this new system to recognize duplicate authorizations.
ENGADGET: Google Music users granted de-authentication reprieve as company retools activation system
The SFA will give clubs as long as it can but promises there will be no repeat of the late postponement at Falkirk last weekend.
Questions remain about using deep-brain stimulation to treat dementia, including whether it would work for Alzheimer's patients and at what stage of decline, whether it is safe and how long the effect will last, said Dr. Salloway.
The inherited secondary manufacturing and assembly-line skills will not last long enough to uphold economic success and make it sustainable.
Others on the market now are so new that it will take several years to see if their results last as long as the benefits from surgery do.