Sturges took a long and winding path to his success as an author.
CNN: P.G. Sturges wins fans with "The Shortcut Man"
The subpoenas are the latest chapter in a winding path for the Staten Island investigation of the Working Families Party.
WSJ: Working Families Party Officials Served With Subpoenas
Gulls swoop off the sides of the winding path, down the sheer drop to the white sand and turquoise sea hundreds of feet below.
BBC: The Channel Islands�� surviving lore
He dropped out of college and began navigating a winding path of jobs and homes that took constant, unexpected turns with each new dictate about where he could live.
CNN: Report: Registry does more harm than good for teen sex offenders
And I can still remember winding up the path up a mountain to his home.
WHITEHOUSE: Remarks by the President at the National Prayer Breakfast
When we arrived at the top, however, the path branched out into more narrow, winding roads.
BBC: Get lost in Japan��s ancient samurai town
For Kanevsky, who was born in Kharkov, Ukraine, the path from obscure expat to sought-after artist has been a winding one.
WSJ: Porcelain Flowers Never Die
However, if we start to assume that the economy is on a balanced growth path does that not imply that the Fed will start to weigh their options of winding down the addition policy accommodation that has been extended, i.e. the Quantitative Easing programme?
FORBES: Raising Rates Will Be A Mistake, Stick With Equities