• On other days they would circle parked pick-up trucks, then swoop down and tear off their windscreen wipers.

    ECONOMIST: Coping with troublesome young birds

  • In 1905, there was an attempt to ban windscreen wipers because it was feared they would hypnotise drivers.

    ECONOMIST: New York bans them; others will follow

  • In 1903 Mary Anderson came up with windscreen wipers which became standard equipment on all American cars by 1916.

    BBC: Women look to shape the future

  • Getting it serviced was a nightmarish process involving long waits, the use of personal favours, and unpleasant discoveries (light-fingered mechanics would steal scarce items such as the wing mirrors or windscreen wipers).

    ECONOMIST: Soviet cars

  • Therefore, middle managers could not resist spending all the money that they were saving through the outsourcing on adding additional quality in their product designs and, most of all, a lot of extra detail: a working light on every table in the restaurant carriage, windscreen wipers on the locomotive, a bit of dirt painted on the bottom of the carriages, etc.

    FORBES: Leadership and serendipity

  • Ally watched the wipers push the water about in fan shapes on the windscreen.

    NEWYORKER: She��s the One

  • Sometimes people blow a fuse by trying to get their wipers to move when they're stuck to the windscreen.

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