It was perhaps best known for later PlayStation releases including the Wipeout racing game series.
The wipeout now has rolled through every sector: optical networking was the last to go.
When the wipeout browser hack came out, I saw someone controlling XBMC from their PSP browser.
ENGADGET: How-To Hacks finalist: Controlling your home with your PSP
Covad Communications (2, COVD) deserves a gold star simply for surviving the Internet wipeout.
In the wake of 1974's stock market wipeout, capital for American entrepreneurs dried up.
It's sounds like - as they say in surfing circles - it'll be a total wipeout !
The first step was to be able to redirect the Wipeout Browser to any url I want.
ENGADGET: How-To Hacks finalist: Controlling your home with your PSP
After decades developing shopping centers and other commercial buildings, Tom Rossi fortuitously called it quits in 2006, before the big wipeout.
The unit's last title was Wipeout 2048 for the PlayStation Vita handheld console.
But not even Welch has had to cope with an 80% wipeout of prices in a core revenue stream.
The unit was responsible for the Wipeout racing series, but dated back to 1984, when it was called Psygnosis.
The Scottish Football League faces almost a complete wipeout, with 11 matches off.
He touted planned titles like "Skylanders Giants, " "Wipeout 3" and "Transformers Prime, " as well as the "007" and "Call of Duty" games.
Policies which delay and try to deny the outcomes of de-leveraging (essentially the wipeout of phony asset values) usually prolong the misery.
AOL, if it proves that a dot-com can buy a brick-and-mortar company and not suffer a share wipeout, might be the catalyst.
For 2006 Green Street projects Simon's AFFO growth to be 6.2%, off 1.3 percentage points from its five-year average but hardly a wipeout.
We're seeing the broadest-based wipeout since the ugly recession of 1973-74.
The Republicans face a wipeout in the 2006 and 2008 elections.
The smart money will be on the Heat but the Mavs are 12-3 in the playoffs, including a four-game wipeout of the Lakers in the second round.
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This spring's wipeout of semiconductor equipment stocks killed that canard.
The latest rough patch for the North American Free Trade Agreement has been the resistance of Mexican agriculture--especially poultry ranchers--to a New Year's wipeout of tariff protections against U.S. agricultural exports.
To combat the latest outbreak, Officials and volunteers kicked off planned to kick off a new public-health campaign Sunday, asking residents to "do the 'mozzie' wipeout" by clearing out stagnant water in homes and public spaces.
To combat the latest outbreak, officials and volunteers plan to kick off a new public-health campaign this Sunday, persuading residents to "do the 'mozzie' wipeout" by clearing out stagnant water in homes and public spaces.
We're coming full circle here with an article from original Wipeout: Pure hackmeister roto, who goes over the basics of web-browsing on the PSP as well as how to set up your own PSP DNS portal.
ENGADGET: How-To Hacks finalist: How to set up your own PSP web portal
Sony also announced a number of titles for the system, with Little Deviants, Reality Fighters and Gravity Daze being original games, with franchise titles like Uncharted, Killzone, Wipeout, Resistance, Little Big Planet, Hustle Kings and Hot Shots Golf.