Yet no one knows the answer with certainty at the moment, not even the Israelis themselves.
When you deliberately strive to behave with certainty it soon becomes your normal way of thinking.
These are risks you can avoid with certainty by avoiding such market timing bets.
No doctor interviewed for this story was willing to say with certainty that Natrecor was dangerous.
But he said that it would "need further development before we can say with certainty".
Markets are a dynamic creature and it is impossible to predict their moves with certainty.
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The answer to these questions is not trivial, and probably nobody knows with certainty.
But leading is one of those things that no man really knows with certainty he will succeed.
They don't coordinate the issuance of serial numbers so that each gun can be identified with certainty.
The idea that the police know with certainty who all its members are sounds like a delusion.
No one can say with certainty who will benefit by taking a certain drug and who will not.
WSJ: Hartzband and Groopman on the Rise of the Medical Expertocracy
The fact is that nobody knows with certainty what normalized Apple earnings over the next five years will be.
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Like so many claims in Sirte, this was hard to verify with certainty, but it seemed to add up.
"If there's a switch from euro to drachma nobody can say with certainty what's going to happen, " she says.
But if you can say with certainty that environmentally your product is better, there can be a business advantage there.
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The operator does not make details available down to that level so we have no way of knowing with certainty.
Idzik would not say with certainty that Sanchez will be in training camp with the Jets to even compete with Smith.
How can we say with certainty that any other interpersonal goals would not have trumped academic ones in a head-to-head comparison?
You start with bread crumbs and gradually learn other systems that help you navigate with certainty through progressively more difficult terrains.
The first lesson of Enduring Freedom is that it is impossible to know with certainty when and where new challenges will arise.
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While it is impossible to identify the firm with certainty, court documents suggest it is an atypical phone company.
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None of us can predict with certainty what the next big industry will be or where the new jobs will come from.
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Politicians, and the voters who elect them, are more comfortable with certainty.
With certainty about tax rates, companies will increase their capital expenditures (currently at anemic levels), contributing to a virtuous cycle of jobs and growth.
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Watching Kate micromanage Jon as he installed that garage shelving, I thought, Do I sound like that? and knew with certainty that I often do.
Nor can we say with certainty what impact a medical condition will have on someone's life or how they might experience a treatment's side effects.
WSJ: Hartzband and Groopman on the Rise of the Medical Expertocracy
Businesses are complex adaptive systems that cannot be modeled with certainty.
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But I just spent a little time with these men and women inside, and I can tell you with certainty, they carry themselves with such humility.
This might be mere myth, but one can say with certainty that the iris has always inspired with its fragile, velvet petals and long, slender stems.
Even if businesses do not like the rules that govern their behavior, knowing those rules with certainty gives them something to plan around and navigate through.
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