That prospect will have journalists pulling their hair out with consternation.
BBC: Hagi's bald move
Depending on who you talk to, you might hear bravos and encomiums or lukewarm acceptance mixed with outright consternation.
But in internal documents released after the collapse of the Soviet Union, political and musical authorities expressed consternation and disappointment with the outcome of their own conservatory training programs.
WSJ: Van Cliburn: A Russian Was Supposed to Win
The White House apologised after a presidential jet accompanied by a fighter aircraft flew low and close to tall buildings, causing consternation in lower Manhattan , with some workers fleeing their offices.
ECONOMIST: Politics this week
Late last year, to Rwanda's consternation, the Ugandans aligned themselves with Jean-Pierre Bemba, a Congolese businessman who launched his own rebellion in northern Congo.
ECONOMIST: Uganda and Rwanda: Old friends, new war | The
The ancient offense, subject of so much consternation, is, on paper, right there with that of any team in the league other than the Tigers and the Angels.
WSJ: New York Yankees: Getting Old Is Nothing to Fear��Tim Marchman
Foul-ups with derivatives are hardly uncommon, but CDSs have been causing particular consternation.
ECONOMIST: Credit derivatives
However, while US debt generates endless consternation and controversy, it seems like Japan may be able to get away with it.
FORBES: Japan's New Fiscal Policy Explained And Why It Matters
George struggled to score, finishing with 14 points, but he also finished had eight rebounds and eight assists and caused plenty of consternation for Anthony and others on defense.
WSJ: Pacers protect home court, beat Knicks 82-71
With low taxes and low regulation at the state level, Austin--no doubt to many locals' consternation--is a great environment not only for public sector employment but also private sector growth.
FORBES: New Geographer
To its credit (and the consternation of the New York Times), the NYPD has not only created active intelligence-sharing arrangements with a number of other U.S. federal, state and local law enforcement agencies.