• That prospect will have journalists pulling their hair out with consternation.

    BBC: Hagi's bald move

  • Depending on who you talk to, you might hear bravos and encomiums or lukewarm acceptance mixed with outright consternation.


  • But in internal documents released after the collapse of the Soviet Union, political and musical authorities expressed consternation and disappointment with the outcome of their own conservatory training programs.

    WSJ: Van Cliburn: A Russian Was Supposed to Win

  • The White House apologised after a presidential jet accompanied by a fighter aircraft flew low and close to tall buildings, causing consternation in lower Manhattan , with some workers fleeing their offices.

    ECONOMIST: Politics this week

  • Late last year, to Rwanda's consternation, the Ugandans aligned themselves with Jean-Pierre Bemba, a Congolese businessman who launched his own rebellion in northern Congo.

    ECONOMIST: Uganda and Rwanda: Old friends, new war | The

  • The ancient offense, subject of so much consternation, is, on paper, right there with that of any team in the league other than the Tigers and the Angels.

    WSJ: New York Yankees: Getting Old Is Nothing to Fear��Tim Marchman

  • Foul-ups with derivatives are hardly uncommon, but CDSs have been causing particular consternation.

    ECONOMIST: Credit derivatives

  • However, while US debt generates endless consternation and controversy, it seems like Japan may be able to get away with it.

    FORBES: Japan's New Fiscal Policy Explained And Why It Matters

  • George struggled to score, finishing with 14 points, but he also finished had eight rebounds and eight assists and caused plenty of consternation for Anthony and others on defense.

    WSJ: Pacers protect home court, beat Knicks 82-71

  • With low taxes and low regulation at the state level, Austin--no doubt to many locals' consternation--is a great environment not only for public sector employment but also private sector growth.

    FORBES: New Geographer

  • To its credit (and the consternation of the New York Times), the NYPD has not only created active intelligence-sharing arrangements with a number of other U.S. federal, state and local law enforcement agencies.


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