Those who wish to take the risk should do it with eyes wide open, not by accident, neglect or inertia.
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The smart money looks to the future, but the really smart money looks with eyes wide open to understand the true potential of that future.
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Levi Strauss should be applauded for its approaching corporate sustainability with its eyes wide open.
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Such creditors entered into these transactions with their eyes wide open concerning the dubious prospects for full repayment.
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"I went in with my eyes wide open, but it turned out to be a disaster, " Bronfman says today.
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Because that latter half of my class listened to the videos with their eyes wide open, and their eyes told their ears what to hear.
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Goldberg went into this deal with her eyes wide open.
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They make these deals with their eyes wide open.
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"We are going into this with our eyes wide open but I think there is a lot of political will on both sides of the Atlantic, " said Michael Froman, White House deputy national-security adviser for international economic affairs.
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To my father and mother, whose eyes were wide open with question, he showed the picture of my second brother printed in the morning edition of Kyoto Shimbun.
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The school photographer caught the moment: there I am in the 1987 yearbook laughing with my mouth wide open, my eyes as big as saucers, and my hands behind me, having just pushed my skirt back down.
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The technique was based on a gestural vocabulary that included drawing back, with both hands open and raised up, eyes wide open, and mouth agape, to indicate surprise, and that sort of thing.
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