Others are geared to those withdrawing money from company plans to invest on their own, fertile ground for a financial adviser.
Taitex Phlamachha, 38, was with his wife when he was attacked after withdrawing money from a cash machine in Maidstone last October.
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The unit drums up business both by helping employers implement new plans, and by giving employees who are withdrawing money a place to invest.
Icesave had stopped customers, including thousands in Britain, from withdrawing money from their accounts and British regulators have said it is likely to file for bankruptcy.
The rules have changed this year for withdrawing money from 529 college savings plan to buy a computer (or Apple iPad), but not from Coverdell education savings accounts.
Ms Michael, a parking campaigner, filmed him after she was informed he had parked in a loading bay and was withdrawing money from a cash machine, the court heard.
BBC: Barnet Councillor Brian Coleman admits parking row attack
So market participants are watching to see how citizens in other debt-troubled nations such as Italy and Spain respond, and particular whether they will start withdrawing money out of their banking system.
Most ordinary Swiss still pay their bills by withdrawing money from a bank account, taking it to the post office and then (usually after queuing a little) filling in a payment form.
In addition, some are simply withdrawing money from banks altogether, which is perilous for the banks because they rely on deposits to be able to fund loans, credit lines and other financial products that grease the wheels of the economy and enable banks to make money.
By choosing an IRA rollover, your money remains sheltered from taxes until you begin withdrawing the money at retirement.
Last year it gave investors the option of putting their money in a new fund with lower fees or withdrawing their money with the caveat that the process could take years.
Bruneians immediately began withdrawing their money from the Baiduri Bank, which has close ties to QAF.
Often, clients face disincentives to withdrawing their money, such as lock-ups or forced realisation of capital gains.
Instead, investors are withdrawing from money-market funds, which are often used as a parking spot for cash, according to EPFR Global.
As meetings among the country's political leaders, lawmakers and bankers continued for a fourth day since the bailout deal was reached, central bank Governor Panicos Demetriades warned lawmakers that prolonged uncertainty for the country's banks could lead to depositors withdrawing their money if confidence wasn't restored soon.
"This helps burst the bubble of those who have been claiming that my appetite for changes to the route around the harbour would mean the Department for Transport withdrawing all the money, " Mayor Ferguson said.
And the financial woes of Chinese businessmen abroad mean they are investing less in their home town, and even withdrawing much of the money they had sent back to Shantou.
If money growth continues its acceleration for a prolonged period it will finally trigger the beginning of the long awaited exit strategy of withdrawing reserves to offset the growth of the money expansion multiplier.
FORBES: Money Supply Growth Shows Stimulus Finally Getting Banks To Lend More
Withdrawing dividends or proceeds from the sale of shares both equate to money pulled from your portfolio.