Take "The Purple Rose of Cairo, " a Depression-era saga about an abused woman who watches a movie repeatedly until its hero comes down off the screen and romances her.
One woman said Savile abused her when she was a 13-year-old patient at Stoke Mandeville, Buckinghamshire.
He later admitted to police that he had raped the woman and sexually abused two other dementia patients.
The message described the "man or men" who allegedly abused the young woman as powerful individuals who threatened her onboard the yacht.
The woman said she was abused a priest of the Portsmouth Diocese.
As a young girl and later as a young woman, she found herself abused and stifled by the dictates of Islam just as her youthful spirit wished most to take flight.
The woman claims she was repeatedly sexually abused and raped by Father William Baldwin, from the age of six at a children's home run by nuns near Portsmouth in the 1970s.
Mrs Cooper was also heard to have verbally abused all four patients, including telling one woman "You're acting like an animal".
Detectives "dissuaded" a woman who told them she had been sexually abused by Jimmy Savile in Sussex from pursuing her allegation, a report has revealed.
The appeal is part of a civil case brought by the woman, who claims she was repeatedly sexually abused and raped by Father Baldwin from the age of six, when she was resident at a children's home run by nuns near Portsmouth in the 1970s.
The woman, now aged 47, alleges she was abused by the late Father Wilfred Baldwin at a Hampshire children's home.
Such tools might have saved Sarah Rosio, a 24-year-old Wisconsin woman who was strangled to death by her boyfriend after having been abused many times before her death.
In my view she has abused her position among the novel-writing elite to launch this astonishing attack on a woman half way through her pregnancy.