She was given the organ in a simultaneous operation on both women involving two surgeons.
BBC: News | UK | Comedian's daughter saved by kidney transplant
Eight young women squirm under electrode-studded caps in a dark, small room in Greenwich, England.
The product was such a hit that women wore them as accessories around concert grounds.
And worst of all, women are just as likely to report a mid-life crisis as men.
By bringing women into the job, you are bringing different skills and enhancing skills already there.
Since the 18th Century, women in London have been excluded from traditional gentleman's clubs.
Kaden, along with like-minded women of her generation, had to create their own rules for success.
In response some countries such as India and Japan have created women-only subway cars.
Like Comaford-Lynch, many professional women rely on recommendations when it comes to selecting their advisors.
By honouring post-doctoral level women in science with flexible financial aid, the prize is completely unique.
Be prepared to move quickly and order in Spanish from the women dancing behind the counter.
Nicole Mason, director of the Women of Color Policy Network at NYU. Welcome to you all.
We're talking about the profound wealth disparity between women of color and their white peers.
She's the executive director of the Women of Color Policy Network at New York University.
Today, we're going to focus on women of color and their struggle to build wealth.
Ms. CHANG: Well, women of color actually face a double disadvantage with respect to wealth.
But women of color are disproportionately unlikely to have access to those wealth-enhancing benefits.
In other words, these women were just as qualified, just as creditworthy as their white counterparts.
"He created an assembly line with no regard for these women whatsoever, " Mr Cameron had said.
BBC: Kermit Gosnell guilty of three murders in late-term abortions - BBC News
But we also know that the rate of marriage among white women tends to be greater.
The Stupak-Pitts Amendment blocks abortion coverage for women who purchase subsidized insurance on the public exchange.
Indian women are able to admire Western models without becoming totally obsessed with looking like them.
Almost 50% of black women had zero or negative wealth, according to one study.
According to the Guttmacher Institute, 69% of women having abortions are economically disadvantaged.
This is bad news for black women, given the reality they are overrepresented in low-wage jobs.
Low-income women have abortion rates five times as high as women in higher income brackets.
Today they have 30 vendors, 25 of which are home-based businesses run by women.
The risk increases as women get older, with 80% of cases occurring in women over 50.
Seeing women as equals in the workplace seems to have jabbed at some insecurities.
If men should not marry intelligent and successful career women, then whom should they marry?