• That means that an object under the stack - in the team's experiments, a block of wood about 10cm long - would not "hear" the sound, and any attempts to locate the object using sound waves would not find it.

    BBC: Acoustic 'cloaking device' shields objects from sound

  • At Wi Spa (www.wispausa.com), a 24-hour, Korean-style, three-story, 48, 000-square-foot haven, you can even spend the night - provided you sleep on the bamboo mats and wood block pillows in the Jimjilbang, or common area, located on the lower level.

    BBC: Ethnic Los Angeles

  • Today it's Plaid Cymru - a party with the newest leader on the block in Leanne Wood, and the party that's done the most thinking about its future over the past year.

    BBC: State of Play 2 - Plaid Cymru

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