"We will be ... committed, definitely, to implement (the agreement) word-by-word and step-by-step, " Sudan Defense Minister Lt.
The reports have to be agreed word by word with the relevant government department and are frequently much amended before they are published.
And when we were assigned to do that I really got the knack and saw the importance of reading word by word, line by line, paying attention to every single word that was on the page.
"That little worm's-eye view" provided by digital research "turns out to be quite helpful if you want to classify texts word by word and shows us just how complex our judgments and reactions to plays are, " says Witmore.
And Nick Sharratt almost got a commission from the front row when young Edinburgh poet Adam Bojelian - who blinks his poetry word by word, asked for some advice on finding an illustrator for his soon to be published book.
Curiously enough, this statement reflects word-by-word Chavez' emotional reaction to the US-Brazilian agreement last March for cooperation in the development of ethanol.
By being steadfast and resolute and strong, by keeping our word, by supporting our troops, we can achieve the peace we all want.
The site probably took an hour to build and from there it snowballed by word-of-mouth, or more correctly word-of-e-mail.
House said he doesn't market to the quarterbacks but news has spread by word-of-mouth.
WSJ: Tom Brady, Drew Brees Gets Help From the Best Baseball Coach in the NFL
In only two years Yammer has lined up 1.5 million members, entirely by word of mouth.
So far, the app has garnered about 25, 000 users, purely by word of mouth.
In the early days they would be spread by word of mouth and travel slowly.
But Lord Woolf was accused of a going back on his word by critics.
Some already boast hundreds of advisers and providers, attracted by word of mouth alone.
From the other side, the British government is accused of breaking its word by rejecting a referendum.
ECONOMIST: The dangerous appeal of a semi-detached status for Britain
Sales took off, largely by word of mouth but aided by the bottle's easily understood, bold label design.
We want people to get on the telephone, to email, by word of mouth to let us know.
Will bank capital inadequacies cause a contagion that can not be contained by word or promise of politicians?
Sometimes the raves were advertised, but more often the location and date were passed on by word of mouth.
If you can start by attracting a few dozen customers, you can then grow your business by word of mouth.
Players transmit their skills to young people within their community by word of mouth and demonstration, and at educational musical institutions.
And since people often find out about jobs by word of mouth, high levels of unemployment on the estate are self-perpetuating.
Help us spread the word by letting them know about the forum.
It will be businesses that are discovered by word of mouth, and are not forced to bleed money in ruinous price wars and advertising.
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Box, for example, started spreading entirely by word-of-mouth, and now has grown big enough to merit a fleet of salespeople calling on would-be customers.
Craftspeople pass on their skills to apprentices, and players transmit their skills by word of mouth and demonstration to young people within their community.
The cost is moderate enough that the school always fills open slots by word of mouth with no marketing, not even a website, says Moore.
It is easy to search by word or phrase and skip around on a tablet, or pull up references such as a dictionary or thesaurus.
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Subscribers number more than 100, 000, and Beauchamp brags of a 20% monthly rate of growth in the past year, most garnered strictly by word-of-mouth advertising.
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