Bush also touted his efforts to improve living and work condition for today's Guard.
All three companies are also looking at whether their drugs work in a condition called mild cognitive impairment--mild memory loss that may or may not be a precursor to Alzheimer's or other dementia.
But I would strongly suggest that if multiple ADHD medications have failed it is possible that your daughter has been misdiagnosed and is being given medications that work for a condition she doesn't have.
Advisers must find out if a work has been shopped to death or ever failed to sell at auction, offer a report on the work's condition, judge how significant the piece was in the artist's career and then ascertain that the piece is neither stolen nor fake.
Millions of people don't take kindly to the idea that as a condition of work they must join a union and pay sizable dues, most of which go toward political activities and not toward dealing with the particular interests of workers.
The mother-of-three said it was the only drug that could treat her condition as chemotherapy does not work on kidney cancer and other drugs had not improved her condition.
Mr Darling wants most recipients of disability benefits to attend an interview to examine work options, as a condition of receiving benefit.
The oversold bounce we saw early in the week actually turned out to be a negative event for the bulls, because it allowed the market to work off its severely oversold condition and prime for another plunge.
But there is a condition that further archaeological work is done on one area of the site.
" In 1992, he won a Humanitas Prize, given to work that meaningfully explores the human condition, for the TV drama "I'll Fly Away.
Her husband, Sulthan Nafeek, says that since the death sentence was confirmed in late October he is in no mental condition to resume his work.
Or whatever is most comfortable for you the key is comfort and doing what is best for your body type, health condition, and personal work scenario.
In these cases, the government takes money rightfully earned from some individuals, and hands it over to their neighbors to either cover their losses or to provide assistance on the condition they do not work or do not grow agricultural products.
But the drug didn't work, and von Lipinski's condition was getting worse.
Bar'wani said he will work to abolish the stereotypes associated with the condition.
Passing sentence, Sheriff Ian Miller handed each of the men orders with the condition they must carry out unpaid work in the community within nine months.
The room is in poor condition: peeling paint, crowded work spaces, electrical wires messily hung on the walls and piles of unorganized fabrics, make the small space feel even smaller.
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Admittedly, cyclical increases in unemployment may become permanent if labour-market rigidities, such as strict hiring-and-firing laws, make it hard for the jobless to find work even when the economy recovers, a condition known as hysteresis.
On condition that they complete de-contamination work, the towns and villages now want to start planting.
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It is a serious condition that may significantly impair relationships, work and social functioning.
The cyclist - a window-cleaner on his way to work - is said to be in a stable condition in hospital.
Although cystic fibrosis requires daily care, most people with the condition are able to attend school and work, and have a better quality of life than in previous decades.
"In an official statement released to Wall Street analysts this morning, Home Depot said that it was paying the former salesclerk, Lucas Rekson, 24, the unprecedented sum on the condition that "he never shows up to work again.
"For these children, " Prof Mukhopadhyay said, "the leading drug treatment simply doesn't work, and there's some evidence that their condition may even be aggravated by the use of a long term controller medicine that isn't helping".
The Tax Court pointed out that for Hamper to deduct the costs of her work clothes, she had to wear them as a condition of her employment and the clothes could not be suitable for everyday wear.
Through its accumulation of detail it conveys better than any other recent work the single most terrifying aspect of modern Russia: the condition of soul-destroying ugliness to which 75 years of centrally planned vandalism reduced the landscape and everything in it.
Not surprisingly, when people are not getting what they expect from work they are dissatisfied and they look for ways to correct this condition.
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The i2i Can-do Toolkit provides guidance to registered social landlords building new affordable homes and working towards the Welsh Housing Quality Standards (WHQS) on making targeted recruitment and training a condition of contract when they appoint companies to carry out work on their behalf.
Many of these remain in a poor condition and securing their future remains an important focus of our work.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | South Yorkshire | Listed buildings off 'risk' list