Employees with disabilities demonstrate just as good or better productivity, attendance, work ethic and enthusiasm as their peers without disabilities.
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Anastasio threw himself into the work with the enthusiasm of a novice.
Ryan has spent his legislative career mastering the budget and other policy functions with inspiring enthusiasm and work ethic.
Passion gives you the energy to work hard, the enthusiasm to attract partners, and the drive to overcome inevitable setbacks.
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The ncegele provides entertainment during festivities, accompanies prayers in the parishes and in sacred woods, stimulates enthusiasm for work, punctuates funerary music and supports the teaching of value systems, traditions, beliefs, customary law, and rules of ethics governing society and the individual in day-to-day activities.
Their enthusiasm for the work they do and the gratitude for the guidance that the strategy provides was contagious.
Quite the opposite: person after person in their fifties and sixties talked of being in the prime of life, about their enthusiasm for hard work, new job skills, new opportunities.
Showing poise, enthusiasm and willingness to work hard often goes further than just being the most qualified person for the gig.
The exhibition began his lifelong enthusiasm for the controversial work of Cezanne.
My advice would be to go in, declare your enthusiasm, show them your work and then cross your fingers.
Implementing these goals has meant a huge amount of work and unleashed an incredible amount of enthusiasm across the workforce.
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But critic Norman Lebrecht told the BBC he was "surprised that David Pountney has conceived an eleventh-hour enthusiasm for Getty's work".
Behrman went a long way toward persuading the public that this triumph was due entirely to Duveen's enthusiasm and legendary capacity for hard work.
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Manuel Martinez, as he then was (Manolo Chopera is an untranslatable slang name everyone called him), had little enthusiasm for engineering and preferred to work with horses.
We too hope that this enthusiasm and goodwill will guide the work of this Executive Board as it moves to define the organization and guide our efforts to improve the lives of women, their families, and their communities.
Having scientists work with and speak with these groups builds that enthusiasm at the earliest times.
Stern said there was genuine enthusiasm on both sides to make it work, but the pressure was intense.
Getting sneak peeks at unpolished work is part of the fun of CES. But enthusiasm should be tempered because many of the concept products shown in years past have never materialized.
The downturn and new restrictions on where foreign students can work once they graduate, it is posited, have dampened enthusiasm.
"Bear with me if I'm not jumping here with enthusiasm because there's a lot of hard work that needs to be done, " he said.
It begs the question: If forcing docs to work for free would not halt cost increases, why the enthusiasm for going after doctor pay at all?
This in turn saps the enthusiasm and commitment that is needed to make the reforms work.
The enthusiasm with which they are cultivated reflects low wages and lack of work elsewhere in the economy.
We responded with similar enthusiasm to stories about Facebook COO Sheryl Sandberg, who reportedly leaves work each day at 5:30 to be home for dinner with her family at 6.
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So taken with our enthusiasm are the owners, mother, father and son, that chocolate work of art after chocolate work of art is paraded in front of us: my favourite are the nuts and screws that actually work.
European-only defence efforts, they reckon, will work best for tasks that are endorsed by the American administration but fail to arouse enough enthusiasm from Congress to warrant direct American involvement.
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Like Florence Nightingale before him, what gives his work its persuasive force is not just rock-solid data and beautiful graphics but his personal passion and enthusiasm.
Ms. Kennedy is a whirlwind of enthusiasm and energy and her passion for helping others figure out how to make their robots and electronic creations work.
And it was the enthusiasm of her mentor, Dr. Elizabeth Blackburn, that drew Dr. Carol Greider to the groundbreaking work in genetics that would win both of them the Nobel Prize for Medicine.