Had anyone seen the child during these two- and three-hour sessions, bringing his soles together and in to train the pectineus, bobbing slightly and then holding a deep cross-legged lean to work the great tight sheet of thoracolumbar fascia that connected his pelvis to his dorsal costae, he would have appeared to that person either prayerful or catatonic, or both.
With new management holding the reins -- the bank's chief executive was replaced by MarcelRohnerMarcel Rohner in July , who also took over the investment-banking division Monday from Huw Jenkins -- UBS had a "clean sheet" to work with.
FORBES: Magazine Article
With new management holding the reins -- the bank's chief executive was replaced by Marcel Rohner in July , who also took over the investment-banking division Monday from Huw Jenkins -- UBS had a "clean sheet" to work with.
FORBES: Battered UBS Looks Like A Bargain
That kind of expansion may also undo the good work he has accomplished on the balance sheet.
FORBES: Street Smarts
Mr Reichstul made his mark last October by cleaning up Petrobras's balance sheet, which had been largely a work of fiction.
ECONOMIST: Petrobras
The students learned that they would each receive a Scrabble dictionary to check their work, after which they would fill out an answer sheet to report their performance.
FORBES: The Importance of Telling Employees 'Don't Do That'
While it's exciting to work beside world-class scientists such as ice-sheet climatologist Jason Box, glaciologist Alun Hubbard and geophysicist Richard Bates, it's equally disheartening to be here bearing witness to the catastrophic events they record.
CNN: Polar blog: 'There's something afoot in the Arctic'
The shares will likely sell-off today on the 4Q earnings miss, but we believe they will work higher over the next twelve months as the assortments improve, square footage growth continues, and the balance sheet remains strong.
FORBES: URBN Pummeled, But Fashion Holds Credence In Stock's Value