Put together a business deal or a research project with three teams working in shifts, and you save days.
The operation to right the Concordia is the biggest maritime salvage exercise ever undertaken with 111 divers working in shifts 24 hours a day from a floating accommodation support vessel tethered next to the wreck.
Working in three shifts, hundreds of volunteers -- from firefighters to stars of the "Food Network" -- baked 96, 000 cookies in two weeks.
One possible explanation is that melatonin - a hormone produced at night - is suppressed in those working night shifts, having knock-on effects on oestrogen regulation in the body and protection against DNA damage.
Senate clerks, working in half-hour shifts, were three hours into the chore when Sanders withdrew the amendment in frustration.
Working in rolling 12-hour shifts, the British have been helping to sift through houses in quake-hit suburbs, as well as comb through the wreckage of the Pyne Gould Guinness Building, one of Christchurch's best-known office blocks.
BBC: New Zealand quake: UK search-and-rescue team optimistic
About 32, 000 firefighters are working at the site in shifts, according to the International Association of Firefighters.
One-hundred-and-eighty thousand volunteers have been working three-hour shifts in the swing states to squeeze out every last voter.
"Many crews are working additional shifts, coming in on overtime or giving up annual leave, " he told BBC News.
Production at Honda in Swindon is being scaled back with staff now working single shifts after the loss of 800 jobs was announced in January.
Less than two weeks after downloading the app, Ms. Diedrich stopped accepting nursing shifts in favor of working full-time on Poshmark.
When he's working late shifts, he sometimes checks in briefly with his daughters on Facebook so he can hear about their day or say good night.
WSJ: Parents and children meet and clash on social-networking sites
It has already distributed 2, 000 tonnes of salt in recent days with gritting teams working 12 hours shifts.
BBC: Wales snow: Hazardous road conditions as snow moves west
People are angry over the difficult working conditions, including lengthy shifts for crane operators in tiny, cramped spaces, according to labor unions.
WSJ: Hong Kong Dock Workers' Strike Hits at Reputation of City's Richest Man
However, Network Rail said the current working patterns were agreed in 2007 and a review of the shifts carried out jointly with the RMT found no way of implementing 12-hour shifts without significantly increasing costs.
Then you have to find trustworthy drivers to pull in revenue--unless you enjoy working grueling 10-plus-hour shifts yourself.
Studies have shown that eating late at night, working night shifts, and jet lag all throw the food clock off, resulting in overeating and weight gain.
FORBES: Holiday Overindulgence Got You Down? Blame Your 'Food Clock'
Also during that pay period, one guard was listed on the staffing report as working two separate 36-hour shifts, and a total of nearly 140 hours in a two-week span.
FORBES: AP Report Shows Idaho Corrections Officers Working 48-Hour Shifts
He said it was too early to have a city-wide memorial, in part because it would strain the already stretched police and National Guard forces working long shifts at the disaster site.
The European Working Time Directive requires that workers in all occupations have at least 11 hours off duty each day, and limits shifts to 13 hours.
People are angry over the difficult working conditions of the workers, including lengthy shifts for crane operators who are forced to eat and even relieve themselves in tiny, cramped spaces, according to labor unions.
WSJ: Hong Kong Dock Workers' Strike Hits at Reputation of City's Richest Man