We start by promoting the right to education for all girls and women in societies across the world, including especially in and after conflict situations.
Another aid group, World Vision, says the conflict in the African country is the deadliest since World War II.
If not, we are now in the world of conflict that is critical to balancing our intuition and rational thinking.
"Hurt feelings" or "feeling offended" is the way the west processes this phenomenon, but it's far from what we, in our world of conflict resolution, psychotherapy, and Montessori education have come to understand as such.
CENTERFORSECURITYPOLICY: Behind Muslim "Hurt Feelings" Is Islamic Law
More than 1m died in the first world war, most through incompetence in a conflict that Italy could easily have sat out.
In a world riddled with conflict, this courage will be more essential than ever.
In simple terms, again, Israelis and Palestinians -- for different reasons -- have reached a level of political maturity almost unprecedented in the world of international conflict.
As helpful as simulations might be, in the real world of military conflict there is no substitute for rigorous on-the-ground exercises.
On a single day in August 1944, this neglected and scruffy place won a place in the annals of world conflict.
We recognize that there are places of conflict in the world.
Common Article 3 of the conventions, which relates to "non-international armed conflicts" -- the most common form of conflict in the world today -- is applicable to the situation in Syria.
Thanks to a combination of "stealthy" characteristics that make it very difficult to detect and target, the ability to operate for sustained periods at supersonic speeds and its extraordinary agility, the Raptor seems likely to secure for years to come something Americans have taken for granted in every conflict since World War II: air superiority essential to victory on the ground.
Her career in journalism has led her to cover stories around the world, including the conflict between Israel and Hezbollah, the terrorist attacks in Bali and London, and the Asian tsunami.
In 1958, unidentified soldiers killed in World War II and the Korean conflict were buried at Arlington National Cemetery.
The charity Save the Children says the majority of victims of rape and other sexual violence in many of the world's conflict zones are children.
Responsible for the coordination of thousands of peacekeepers in conflict zones throughout the world, and leading negotiations for the release of child soldiers in Uganda.
Strategic planners at the Pentagon worried about how well the Army could respond if it had to dispatch troops unexpectedly to a conflict elsewhere in the world.
"This government has done more than any other to improve conditions in developing countries but all the billions of debt relief cannot compensate for the hundreds of thousands of lives that are lost in conflict zones throughout the world each year, " he said.
The ongoing war between Ethiopia and Eritrea is counted as perhaps the largest, most devastating conflict the world has seen in some time, while the conflicts inside Sierra Leone, Sudan and the Congo have sapped countless of millions of dollars from the continent's economy, and claimed perhaps hundreds of thousands of lives.
So I want you to know that whenever a young American soldier or marine, sailor or airman is killed in conflict anywhere in the world, we, the people of Britain, grieve with you know that your loss is our loss, your families' sorrow is our families' sorrow and your nation's determination is our nation's determination that they shall not have died in vain.
But transmitting to young people the sense that this is really their world for the making and that on issues like climate change or economic inequality or how do we deal with world health issues or how do we deal with conflict, that in all these areas, creating a more peaceful, prosperous world is up to them.
By telling their stories, Kamara-Umunna humanizes some of the actors in a conflict that around the world magnified the cruelties of war.
Bond Street Theater has for years worked in areas of conflict around the world using non-verbal techniques to both entertain and to discourage violence.
Still, think of all the good I could have done in the world as an efficient and effective conflict resolver rather than an all or nothing, win-lose, my way or the highway, litigator.
FORBES: Teens who fight with their parents say "no" to drugs
According to "Untying the Knot, " a new report from World Vision, child marriage increases in times of conflict and disaster, when fear pushes parents to marry their daughters early in order to ensure their safety and security.
Vietnam could play a broader role in some of the world's destitute and conflict-ridden zones.
The snub by the three countries indicates growing discord in the Arab world regarding the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.
But the rest of the world needs to pay more attention to this conflict in the shadows.
According to a report on cyber-security issued earlier this year by the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development, the chances of a conflict fought solely in the electronic world are extremely slim.
ECONOMIST: Hackers hit big companies, the IMF and the headlines
And in order to maximise our contribution to all the new challenges of peacekeeping, humanitarian work and stabilisation and reconstruction, my Rt Hon Friend the Secretary for Defence is also announcing this afternoon that - as part of a wider review - the Government will now examine how our reserve forces can more effectively help with stabilisation and economic reconstruction in post-conflict zones around the world.