Or a stubborn defence of the existing order that will keep France a middling world power in economic decline?
In all cases, Japanese must adjust to a world in which demographic decline means sheer growth may not always be as easily attainable as it once was.
Japan's stock market was one of the best-performing in the world early this year, as a decline in the yen fueled sharp gains in exporters of cars, electronics and other products.
Italy, which has one of the largest gold jewelry manufacturing centers in the world, saw demand by tonnage decline by 15 percent in 2012.
FORBES: India Leads Late Surge In 2012 Global Gold Jewelry Demand
With world growth softening and commodity prices off their peaks, inflation in every region of the world will decline through 2012.
Last year Russian GDP plummeted nearly 8%, driven downward by a 77% decline in world energy prices.
Deep-water drilling was supposed to hold off the effects of a decline in world oil production that began in 2005 and is forecast to continue unabated through the rest of this century, just as several billion Chinese and Indians go on an energy consumption spree.
In the developed world, tobacco is a business in steady but terminal decline.
After steady growth in home ownership since World War II in England, it has been in decline since 2003.
Everywhere in the developed world, the decline of mass-production industries has put pressure on the roles and incomes of working-class and middle-class men.
During the course of the story, Kerbouchard sees the Islamic world at its peak, Byzantine in decline, and the small, delicate green shoots of intellectual ferment developing in Paris.
Kaufman argues that the world's religious population is increasing after a century of gradual decline as younger generations in the developing world reject secularization.
Growth in the world economy, increased fossil fuel emissions since 2000 and a decline in the efficiency of the ocean and land 'sinks' to absorb carbon emissions.
Before Fukushima, a "nuclear renaissance" -- as it was termed in the press -- seemed well underway, except for this point: Nuclear power, as a total of world energy supply, has been in steady decline for the past decade.
America, as I found from my visits in the seventies and early eighties, had suffered a terrible decline of confidence in its role in the world.
The speed, flexibility and economy of road transport have caused a precipitous decline in rail freight across the world.
Their paper editions are in decline in most of the developed world, as readers opt for the web versions on their computers and laptops, or on smart-phones such as the iPhone.
Mr Gibson told MSPs the committee would be analysing the Scottish government's consultation on the 2020 Challenge for Scotland's Biodiversity against a back drop of world failure on biodiversity targets and with "biodiversity in decline".
There is a general perception of American decline as new powers emerge in the world competition.
Some say the expulsion of these industrious Moors set in motion the decline of Spain as a world power.
The rise of the American meritocracy after World War II coincided with the decline of Northeastern WASPs in America's social hierarchies.
The worst outcome would be for Europe and north Africa, both losing relative weight in the world, to reinforce one another's decline.
The great decline in membership came after the second world war.
This, allied to his dramatic omission from Glenn Hoddle's squad for the 1998 World Cup, only succeeded in speeding up the spiral of decline that finished off his career - and appears today to be putting his life in jeopardy.
Y. art collective, a remote-controlled gray blimp that hovered ominously over the ferry on the way to New Jersey and a cheeky presentation from ICQ founder Yossi Vardi on why excessive heat from laptops seriously impairs male gonads and is the root of population decline in certain nations of the developed world.
The world situation is more extreme: the USDA says global food prices rose 25% last year, and set a record in January as world grain inventories suffered an estimated 13% decline.
FORBES: High Commodity Food-Price Decade Challenges All Global Managers
Five of the world's seven turtle species, many of whose numbers are in decline, can be seen off the UK coast.
The normal growing pains of a new resort were compounded by the decline in both business and leisure travel throughout the world.
The murder rate in Ciudad Juarez, which was widely seen as the world's murder capital in 2010, has been on a striking decline.
It is expected to be the gloomiest for 60 years, with the world falling into a global recession, and an even sharper decline in output in the rich countries.