As a values-based leader, you can rely on the four principles to help you quiet your own emotional reactions and minimize fear and worry.
Eight hundred families and nearly 500 wounded people in the Old District fear for their lives and many worry they will become victims of reprisal attacks and even sectarian killings, the Revolutionary Council of Homs said.
"It's amazing to me that I'm not sad anymore, and that I don't worry and that I don't fear, " she said.
So I noticed in the Twitter traffic that when this first hit, when this first kind of hit Twitter, there was all kinds of, you know, concern, gasps, worry, fear, etcetera, and then when the details started to trickle out about the fact that this was sort of black on black violence, the interest - especially on Twitter - started to die down.
They worry about the slowing growth rate of corporate profits and fear stocks are overdue for a pullback after their five-month surge.
Startups have to deal with many factors outside their control, so this fear can cause an unhealthy stress and worry.
While a string of temporary sexual encounters might appear glamorous on celluloid, in contemporary reality this fear of commitment and resistance to emotional intimacy might trigger worry in a normal social circle.
BBC: James Bond: How his sex life compares with an average man
While weaker economies fear losing their best and brightest workers, wealthier countries worry about a potential influx of job seekers in a time when Europe is still in the throes of a recession.
The strategists in Beijing have propped up the regime both because they fear instability on their border and even more because they worry about a unified Korea, perhaps with American troops hard up against the Chinese frontier for the first time in over 60 years.
Governments and large corporations that fear losing control of their message in the online realm often worry about what could be said about them.
Its progress has been impeded by banks, which fear that mobile operators will eat their lunch, and by regulators, who worry that mobile-money schemes will be abused by fraudsters and money-launderers.
The bodies created by the convention the International Seabed Authority, and International Tribunal for the Law of the Sea worry conservative American groups like the Heritage Foundation which fear global bureaucracies.