It hopes a new treaty will be agreed by the end of next year, at a big pow-wow in Copenhagen.
The Council of the Baltic Sea States, to which all countries on the Baltic rim belong, is to hold its second heads-of-government pow-wow next month in Riga, Latvia's capital.
We believe the move of porting WoW to mobile will also be in-line with these efforts.
Kazuo Hirai, who took over as president nine months ago, has promised to deliver a new range of "wow" products in order to re-establish Sony as the premier electronics and entertainment company.
It linked the fall to the decline in the number of people playing WoW - its most profitable business - as well as the fact that its most recent Call of Duty first-person shooter game was experiencing lower sales than its predecessor.
BBC: World of Warcraft subscriptions steady, says Activision
While home-style Italian classics in an upscale atmosphere impress, do not miss the restaurant's most wow-inducing feature.
Instead, she said, the teams of people that take on the biggest, baddest foes in WoW have to work together like a well-oiled machine.
Berdych combined much-improved movement with jaw-dropping forehands and lightning-quick deliveries to wow the Centre Court, and broke in game seven before serving out the opening set.
Blizzard also gave away 1.2 million additional copies of the game to those WoW gamers who subscribed to the of the role-playing game in its first 24 hours.
Unlike the Starter Packs for Giants this includes a previously released figure in the form of Stealth Elf albeit in reposed series 3 form that offers a new Wow-Pow.
The city is large enough to fill 80, 000 seats at Arrowhead on Sunday afternoons, yet small enough to feel forever grateful to those who wow the nation in a Kansas City uniform, explaining why long-retired Len Dawson and George Brett still live there.
WSJ: Kansas City: Why Going to KC Is No Curse��Kevin Helliker
It's also important to bear in mind that it's not about - like wow, a president actually visited a country.
It now plans to build on this success with a World Championship event in Shanghai next week featuring dozens of WoW and Starcraft pro-gamers.
Raiding takes place in what are known as instances - separate sections of the WoW game world that are the dwelling places of very powerful creatures.
Wow, oh wow - our heads are blown off by pheasant with green peppercorns, river fish in banana leaf with red curry and some remarkable relishes: rose apple with cashew, cured pork with coconut cream.
"Wow, " was I all could say to one of the most satisfying in-studio performances I've ever heard.
Always a dog-lover, she started a doggy day care center in 2000 called Camp Bow Wow.
FORBES: From Tragedy To Triumph -- Becoming A Successful Entrepreneur
Wow - that is a powerful statement coming from one of the most influential business magazine's in the world.
In the case of a massively multi-player (MMO) game such as WoW, its content has to be sustainable by design.
This is the fun electro-poppers Basement Jaxx advertise for their jingles, the youthful vigor Malcolm McLaren perverted in Bow Wow Wow when Parton was attending infants' school.
They, like their colleagues in the private sector, will apparently have to wait for a grand autumn pow-wow between government, employers and unions on wages, jobs and working hours.