Naturally, Sina and Alibaba reckon that they can wring much more from their combined efforts.
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The current systems wring too little parking revenue from city-dwellers and maximize their frustration.
FORBES: Help Ailing Cities: Reinvent The Parking Ticket, Cribbing Lessons From Starbucks, Six Flags
It also gave him a chance to wring more profits from a weary chain.
In merger land, one way to justify a high purchase price is to wring out costs.
Nevertheless, the group has managed to wring some useful information from its handful of observations.
The underlying business model is not simply to wring more money from any one brand.
They are able to wring water from an otherwise stingy sky by trapping it in nets.
The company is continuing to bet it can wring profit growth from an aging stable of drugs.
If you can wring a few extra pennies on a business in the billions, you've got real money.
It had taken him years to wring the human element and its capricious whims out of his operation.
And Disney has only just scratched the surface of how much it can wring out of The Avengers.
FORBES: Five More Ways Disney Can Mine Profits From 'The Avengers'
Or, just maybe, we will find a way to wring the excess out of the U.S. health care system.
FORBES: Why Health Care Will Take A Much Bigger Bite Out Of Your Wallet
It would also help wring out the enormous waste that undermines the industry.
After all, a successful development program is intended to wring out technical difficulties.
Nationwide insurance markets that ensure broad and vigorous competition will wring out excess costs, overhead, and bloated executive compensation.
Ebbers has a huge task ahead of him to wring out that value.
She became famous for her ability to wring tears and truth out of celebrities and statesmen in her specials.
If American persuasion and evidence can wring the desired authority out of the Security Council, so much the better.
It is what enables him or her to wring meaning from facts and observations, and then be free of them.
He never forgot his experience there of being forced to wring every bit of waste out of people and procedures.
It's an obvious ploy to wring more dollars from movie lovers and cuts into video store margins in the process.
Word is that you are trying to wring a few more bucks out of Microsoft for your struggling Web portal.
Bound by cultural sensitivities, the default reaction of the bureaucracy is to review the procedures and wring its hands ineffectively.
Intel has failed to wring consistent profits from its flash memory business, which last year accounted for 6% of its sales.
And the screenwriters, Andrew Bergman and Robert Harling, wring fun out of fustian and keep the shallow characters on the run.
It's starting from a position of strength in North America and China, and it hasn't even begun to wring out global inefficiency.
In this environment, Mr. Wren thinks investors can wring additional gains out of the market by playing shifts within the stock market.
While Democrats wring their hands over Michigan and Florida and superdelegates, yesterday, Senator Clinton proposed a noble way to resolve the nomination.
The commission was overshadowed by the draconian measures Federal Reserve Chairman Paul Volcker was undertaking to wring inflation out of the economy.
Politicians frequently wring their hands over businesses being too profitable on the backs of allegedly hapless consumers, but their worries are overdone.