Linters are also used in hot dog and sausage casings, as well as writing paper, and in most countries, paper currency.
From next year, the writing paper for the English Sats test will be assessed by teachers and then be moderated, rather than being sent away for external marking.
Set in a creaking old town house, the 15 rooms possess the original 19th-Century bones to offset their Rose Bowl-sourced and individually furnished interiors, a cosy of velvet settees, fringed lamps and sepia-toned writing paper.
As she shook this one box which was not empty, so that the contents would settle and not spill when it was lifted, she noticed some loose sheets of writing paper lying face down.
Its storage potential is enormous: Dr Sheats says that initially, a single layer of memory the size of a sheet of writing paper will be able to store one billion bytes (a gigabyte) of data.
The printing press, pizza cutter, writing, paper, all can be thought of as being inventions worthy.
The writing process was also very different than writing for paper publishing.
Led creatively by designer, Jeff Miller, Poppin is introducing 250 original products spanning the writing, paper, desktop, presentation, kitchen, technology and furniture categories.
"Our new active pen combines the comfort and familiarity of writing on paper with the convenience and portability of mobile computing, " said Gary Baum, AVP Product Marketing.
ENGADGET: N-trig release teases that Fujitsu's Stylistic Q702 will come with active pen support
Writing in the paper, Safwat Qabil urges politicians to leave the economy out of their squabbles.
Or it could give you a new way to goof off in the dorm when you're supposed to be writing that term paper.
Dr Minor and his colleagues are currently writing a scientific paper on the man, set for publication in a medical journal later this year.
Writing inside the paper, Lord Tebbit reveals that he often regrets not being at her side during her last days in office, having turned down an invitation to rejoin the Cabinet.
BBC: Newspaper review: Margaret Thatcher's legacy considered
Instead of writing out a paper check or using a plastic card, the customer beams the instructions from his or her personal information appliance, which will hasten the transaction process, IrDA said.
Mitra said the traditional system of education is largely based on the necessities created by Britain's colonial empire in which a vast amount of territory had to be governed by people writing things on paper and sending them around the world on ships.
Writing in the same paper, columnist Jerry Okungu says that "hate talk at campaign rallies must be stopped".
Stefano Folli, writing in the financial paper Il Sole 24 Ore , also notes that "Berlusconi is using his usual arguments against the judiciary".
Games journalist Nathan Grayson, writing on the Rock Paper Shotgun website, praised EA for keeping players informed through Facebook, Twitter and discussion forums about the problems.
Writing in the Dutch paper De Telegraaf, Cruyff said Rita Verdonk's decision not to grant the Ivorian-born player citizenship contributed to their early exit from the tournament.
BBC: SPORT | Football | African | Cruyff regrets Kalou absence
In addition to high school classes, writing for the school paper, assisting with the athletic teams and getting comfortable with numbers and math concepts are also helpful.
Using the new S Pen allows you to be more precise and gives a writing experience that feels like writing with pen and paper and with Air View you can hover the S Pen over emails, picture and video galleries to preview them.
On the desk, the chairs, and the bed were sheets of paper covered in writing.
Some people choose how to concern the society by writing a letter to the paper.
Writing on the Rock, Paper, Shotgun games news site Alec Meer said it was always likely that the game would be funded given the amount of "backlogged adoration" for Planescape.
The agency worries that writing down its policies on paper could invite legal challenges to its authority over the underlying commercial speech, which courts have often recognized is protected under the First Amendment.
FORBES: FDA Wants to Regulate Drug Firms on the Internet and It's Targeting Facebook 'Likes'
Mr. Tsarnaev's ability to speak Russian would have allowed him to be something of a "native guide for Kazakhs far from home, " said Brian Glyn Williams, a professor of Islamic history at the university who once advised Mr. Tsarnaev on a paper he was writing on Chechnya.
It also provides a writing experience similar to pen and paper.
Gunn blogged about the trend in January, writing that when someone hands her a paper resume at a job fair, she hands it back and asks for an e-mail.
Ebert covered high school sports for a local paper at age 15 while also writing and editing his own science fiction fan magazine.
Originally from Wisconsin, Mr. Friess was a reporter in his younger days, writing obituaries and covering weddings for a weekly paper in Rice Lake with a circulation of 5, 000.