But now BofA is telling some folks that Mayo dialed the wrong number.
Five carriers might also be the wrong number when one considers the role of mobile broadband in the larger broadband market.
FORBES: Sending the Wrong Signals to the Wireless Marketplace: The Return of the Spectrum Cap
More often, the cause is bad data: wrong age, wrong number of years of service, wrong salary information and so on.
"The board might decide that nine at-large directors are the wrong number, " said ICANN lawyer Joe Simms on Saturday as the criticism continued to escalate.
CNN: Group overseeing Internet changes sets its election rules
The foreign staff's troubles began, BP says, when an employee who is also a shareholder of AAR deliberately applied for the wrong number of visas.
This is where people put fake number plates on their vehicle so that if they're photographed by one of the thousands of speed cameras operating in Britain, they don't have to pay the fine because the camera's photographed the wrong number.
Following the incident, it appeared that someone at OCR had put the wrong house number on the envelope.
On a day like this I was waiting for them to arrive and they called the wrong phone number to verify.
We have smaller leaks all the time, you know, a fax number is wrong by a digit, and the number that is loaded into the system is not the pharmacy down the street, but some law firm.
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Mostly it's a matter of looking for procedural slipups--transposed license-plate digits or the wrong time of day--but a fair number of tickets are outright wrong.
Sadly, Sebbag decided to do a number of wrong things with the Inside Information.
Whatever the law, as long as the number are wrong the Bad Wizards will rule the kingdom.
The company that carried out the analysis flagged all classrooms that showed a number of wrong-to-right erasures exceeding three standard deviations from the mean.
The average number of wrong-to-right changes per test was around two.
But Montle admits his pending proxy and other recent filings list a wrong Dublin address and phone number.
So, what looks like a good number now may look wrong in 2014.
Automakers, then, need to make sure they boost the number of things gone right, not just wrestle with the number of things gone wrong.
That sentimental policy sounds even more wrong-headed for the growing number of Japanese companies short on cash and long on debt, which gets harder and harder to pay in the current deflationary environment.
With hindsight, Mr Darling was right but at the time Number Ten said he was wrong.
Using the wrong numbers is often worse than no number at all!
Giving evidence, Dr Majeed told the panel he now knows what he did was wrong and said he had attended a number of courses to correct his behaviour.
Still, a number of things could go wrong from a fuse malfunctioning, a problem with the barrel's assembly to a round prematurely detonating inside the tube, he said.
General Motors has spent years trying to improve its quality, measured by the number of things that go wrong with its vehicles, and the company has made gigantic strides.
And a number of other things went wrong with the bank, including its ill-conceived takeover of ABN Amro, the world's largest banking merger at the time, and its expansion into American mortgage markets.
Even if Amazon and Red Shift become the industry platform, a number of things can still go wrong.
But speaking to the BBC in January last year Dr Petros Afxentiou said he had carried out a number of tests and did nothing wrong.