If a single code is used multiple times or multiple codes are used in the wrong order, all transactions on a card can be blocked.
Rather than continuing down the start-finish straight, he drove a short distance in the wrong direction in order to get into the pits.
Now, the risk factors are written by lawyers and their job is to think of everything under the sun that could go wrong, in order to protect their clients.
FORBES: Facebook Makes Nothing from Mobile Now and Seems to Have Ignored It All Last Year
But nothing beats driving away with your bag from a fast-food pickup window and discovering when you get home that your order is wrong.
FORBES: Rude Employees and Order Errors: Worst Fast-Food Chains for Drive-Through Service
The first part of what has gone wrong here is that in order to stop these few militias from mining these metals a system has been proposed, then legislated into law, which insists that everyone in the world must track, and be able to prove that they have tracked, where their supplies of these minor metals come from.
FORBES: How Enough Project and Global Witness Make Life Harder In Congo
In order to prove the sceptics wrong, and to highlight the fact that sport can be used as a tool to instigate social change on multiple levels, changes that will last forever.
He conceded that the making of a whole-life order for Roberts was "wrong in principle" but he said in making such a concession, "we are not seeking to minimise the seriousness of the offences".
The Court of Appeal has upheld his challenge to the order, ruling that it was wrong to condemn him to a life on benefits.
As conservatives study the election data in order to figure out what went wrong, they need to focus on overcoming the significant trust issues that women have with the GOP.
Such safeguards include manufacturers training their dealers and distributors to identify and handle illegal purchasers at the point of sale, developing a code of conduct for distributors, and requiring them to implement record keeping measures in order to keep guns out of the wrong hands.
But the standby router picked the wrong configuration file, which caused a drop in order flow, something the business users saw immediately with ITRS. Banks want to catch that sort of thing right away because their customers are monitoring execution and will divert their trades quickly if they see a problem.
FORBES: ITRS Monitors Technology And Business For Global Finance Firms
After all, governments can seldom go wrong with the electorate by appearing tough on law and order.
His plan made sense, but the order in which he executed those changes was all wrong.
FORBES: Ron Johnson Out At J.C. Penney, Ending Its Year Of Living Dangerously
The aim is to map how genes and the proteins they produce interact within cells in order to gain a better understanding of what goes wrong in the body to cause disease.
The real and practical worry is that the refusal of the British Museum to discuss the issue seriously will give the wrong message to those tempted to exploit current political circumstances in order to misappropriate cultural treasures and destroy their integrity.
In order to understand how things could have gone so wrong, I spoke with two prominent epidemiologists, who have both been investigators and advisors on the NCS: David Savitz of Brown University in Providence, Rhode Island and Nigel Paneth of Michigan State University in East Lansing.
FORBES: What Caused A Billion Dollar Federal Study Of Child Health To Implode?
First Group rail boss Tim O'Toole told the MPs Virgin's suggestions that it had financially "backloaded" its bid in order to outbid its rival was "flat-out wrong".
When a retailing system is operating at peak efficiency, a delivery truck arriving late or carrying the wrong goods immediately triggers messages to a decision maker who can quickly order more.
When people fail to behave in a mature and reasonable manner, reflective of the reality of their circumstances, is it really so wrong for the government to step in and require them to do so in order to protect the rest of the public who will suffer from the behavior of those who should know better?
FORBES: Tea Party Boils Over Proposed NYC Ban On Sugar Drinks
But Mr Alexeyev claims the order is invalid because the letter he received from Moscow officials refers to the wrong date - 27 May 2006 instead of 2007.
Failure is simply a portfolio of setbacks, false starts, wrong turns, and mistakes that are expected and tolerated because the entrepreneur purposefully iterates in order to gather new, relevant, and timely information.
FORBES: Entrepreneurs Reframe Failure as Intentional Iteration
But Ms Glotz said in order to rebuild confidence supermarkets needed to "fully and clearly identify" what went wrong with their supply chains, and name those responsible for adulterating their products.
All I had to do was stand outside my home in the chill of the early morning in order to see things in their totality: Diana felt that she had married the wrong man.
Mr Miliband told BBC Radio 4's Today programme the breakdown in social order that occurred this week showed many people had lost their sense of right and wrong and there was a "me first" culture.
Firstly, because the judge in Bangladesh was prepared to go public and emphasise the "civil wrong" which had been done against her client, and secondly, because a British High Court order served under the new Forced Marriage Act was mentioned at the Dhaka hearing.