"He obviously thought the suit was wrongheaded, and we disagreed about that, " Klein says.
Some serve society--and taxpayers--well, while others are so wrongheaded and costly that they are actually harmful.
And so continue the wrongheaded responses to and the misdiagnoses of this spreading crisis.
Dirks and a handful of other mavericks argue that this indiscriminate approach is wrongheaded.
Another wrongheaded proposal would allow an interest deduction only to buy assets that aren't already owned by a corporation.
Castiglione's constitutional theory is so bizarre and wrongheaded as to suggest either shocking ignorance or an intent to deceive.
And the strategy that was pursued, obviously, out of Arizona, was completely wrongheaded.
Yet it is perversely wrongheaded to write him off as a mere charmer.
WSJ: Francis Poulenc | More Than Almost Great | Sightings by Terry Teachout
Well-intentioned though it may be, the measure is wrongheaded on two fronts.
On this side of the Atlantic, it's easy to see just how wrongheaded this evaluation is in relation to Matisse.
WSJ: More than a Mere Colorist | Veronese | Ringling Museum of Art
The FTC is not in the habit of wasting taxpayer money to respond to every wrongheaded account of its actions and motivations.
WSJ: Lobbying Didn't Influence the FTC �� Letters to the Editor
Today its wrongheaded euro policies are supported by the europhile leftist parties.
Marjorie O'Connell, a Washington divorce tax lawyer who helped lobby through the new law, insists that is yet another wrongheaded IRSreading of Congress' intent.
It also suffered from wrongheaded marketing that focused on "image" rather than hard-core golf values under its former chief executive, ex-Revlon head George Fellows.
WSJ: How TaylorMade Made Its Move | Golf Journal by John Paul Newport
Lynas cogently detailed a number of reasons why he was both wrong and wrongheaded in the role he played spearheading the anti-GMO movement in Europe.
FORBES: 'I Was Wrong:' How One Activist's Apology Changes the GMO Debate
Where does all this misinformation and wrongheaded opinion come from?
Washington's static analysts, mired in their rigid, wrongheaded theories, would swear up and down that attendance would be the same on Mondays as it would be on Tuesdays.
And we believe that strategy to be short-sighted and wrongheaded.
Nevertheless, it is wrongheaded, and despite the sunk costs and the difficulty of reversing field in the policy world, the Clinton Administration should make a gradual but unmistakable about-face.
Republicans are being counseled to move the party to the left, but in my experience, those who advocate more liberal policies for the GOP are wrongheaded or Democrats, or both.
WSJ: Liz Cheney: Republicans, Get Over the 2012 Loss��and Start to Fight Back
Thanks to a very wrongheaded initial bailout of Greece months ago, the signal to other listing governments was that a Greek bailout meant that every government would enjoy similar treatment.
On Friday, George McDonald, a Republican candidate for mayor, issued a statement calling on his rivals to pledge to change this "wrongheaded" right-to-shelter policy, a move that would require court action.
More than being wrong, the dismissal was, in my opinion, tremendously wrongheaded in its treatment of the prosecutors involved, and seemingly oblivious to the realities of a longlasting, complex, international investigation.
According to Cooper, the barriers to making cellphones as versatile and efficient as wired devices are wrongheaded industry practices, like putting cell towers outside when the vast majority of conversations happen indoors.
Wrongheaded, for choosing passionate advocacy over disinterested science.
FORBES: 'I Was Wrong:' How One Activist's Apology Changes the GMO Debate
What Bernanke has done is backwards and wrongheaded.
FORBES: What Can Charlie Sheen and the Three Stooges Teach the Fed?
Now, maybe this is a completely wrongheaded approach.
FORBES: The 5 Biggest Myths About Paul Ryan's Controversial Plans
His enjoyable and informative canter through three millennia of intellectual and religious history highlights the many ways, ingenious, beautiful, wrongheaded or mad, in which humans have tried to define paradise, seek it or, latterly, create it.
Only recently has this wrongheaded thinking started to change, and the firestorm of controversy it has stirred up is indicative of just how hard it is to get folks to stop thinking bullets and start thinking bodies.