As for where to see performances year round, besides the new Yau Ma Tei Theatre?
White-water rafting is possible year round, except during monsoon season from June to August.
The 20-year-old motors run 24 hours a day all year round, so efficiency is critical.
Only 2, 400 people live on the island all year round, but many more have gathered tonight.
Armstrong trains longer and harder than 99% of pro cyclists, year round, in heat or sleet.
Organisers hope to be able to fund the project all year round in the future.
Jones would get these guys to run plays inside Texas Stadium all year round--and charge admission.
But this is also going to affect states that depend heavily year round on tourism.
The teams of scouts and elephant keepers operate 24 hours a day, year round.
"We want to create a space which can be used all year round, " he said.
Moving to a year round product release cycle should deliver Apple a number of benefits.
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You'll hear these punctuate the beginning and end of program segements all year round.
The activities will be connected with proper courses that take place all year round.
BBC: NEWS | UK | England | London | Dome to host homeless workshops
Currently councils with unionist majorities fly the Union flag either all year round or on designated days.
The launch coincides with all year round Sunday opening of the Odd Down and Landsdown park-and-ride sites.
Even if you do not make it in February, there is plenty of water-based action to be had year round.
And despite often startling levels of atmospheric particulates, the weather at 2, 240m stays blissfully crisp almost year round.
Please help us continue the momentum to restore hope to a beautiful town of small year round residences.
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Now we are finding demand from our customers to be open year round.
Lythgoe says Fox does ask for extra hours during the show run, but never pushed for year round American Idol.
It is about a three-hour flight from Montreal, and two ferries from Fortune in Newfoundland travel year round to the islands.
And the rise of summer football leagues that feature seven-on-seven play have allowed quarterbacks to work on their throwing year round.
Ships leave from New York, for example, all year round. can link you to a cruise specialist in your area.
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These additions will allow the co-op to operate all year round, to build farm-supply and convenience stores and add 100 jobs.
Agrarian-legacy lengthy holidays will end and teaching will take place year round to cater to the increasingly busy lives of students.
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More needs to be done to provide year round jobs in Sark, according to the managing director of Sark Estate Management.
He believes companies should have a program of year round activities for which employees can train and that are inclusive in nature.
We work hard all year round, we believe in working with others.
Archaeologists believe the dwelling would have been occupied on a seasonal basis, probably during the winter months, rather than all year round.
All year round, every movie screening begins with a special royal anthem.
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