He gave brief yes and no answers to questions from U.S. Magistrate Cynthia Imbrogno.
So the answer to my headline question, according to this research, is both yes and no.
The Yes and No campaigns pitted the Conservatives and Liberal Democrats directly against each other.
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"Yes and no, " he said, when asked if there were significant differences in the candidates' stances as concerns China.
"Yes and no, " read the tweet after split-squad scrimmages during spring training.
She started out throwing fast balls asking for clipped yes and no answers, but soon enough she devolved to almost being a companion with Lance.
My conclusion, after reading widely on the subject: Yes and no.
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Mr. Loughner responded to a series of mostly yes and no questions from Judge Burns saying he understood the charges against him and understood that by pleading guilty to them he was giving up his right to trial.
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When asked whether he had an exact date in mind for the referendum, and whether he would share it, Mr Salmond replied: "Yes, and no".
She has made a point of giving brief responses to his questions, now nodding her head yes and elaborating no more, now shaking her head no and preferring not to expand further.
And yes, no surprise, celebrities tend to get married (and divorced) a lot.
The key to reigning in rogue devices (and costs) is not to say yes to BlackBerry and no to iPhone.
So the answer of your question is kind of yes and kind of no.
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Depending on your definition of "lender of last resort", my answers to that question are: yes, no and not yet.
He was able to communicate "yes" and "no" using just his thoughts.
They can say yes or no and either way having had their say the deal, whatever it is, is more likely to stick.
Highlights include some wonderfully whimsical pieces, like a brooch in the shape of a flower whose gold petals are engraved with the words "yes" and "no" on either side.
Since Sunnis are now divided between yes, no and boycott camps, the rejectionists seem less likely to muster the necessary two-thirds majority in at least three provinces to stymie the new constitution.
While both 'yes' and 'no' camps may want a definitive result to put an end to debate, those taking an impartial position as academic observers reckon that it may merely be the starting point for a new phase.
Yes, he has no money, and yes, there are many conservatives who still can't stand the sight of him.
Only independents are a little squidgy, with 46% saying yes and 51% saying no.
Answer each with Yes or No, and total your answers at the end.
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Yes fortunately, and certainly no thanks to us, they now do seem to be in somewhat better shape than we have been led to believe after all.