It seems almost an afterthought that youalso get Office doc viewing, Mobile Search client (like Directory Assistant for Palm), and audio and video playback software here, although you'll need to add a miniSD card to your growing collection of flash swag if you want to take advantage of the latter two features, as the N80 only comes preloaded with 40MB of memory.
The second rationale alsoseems a possibility: better to charge less than you might briefly get away with than to give would-be competitors (not to mention regulators) an even more tempting target.
So I partially agree with you, oil prices are climbing in part because of an imbalance in the supply and demand but it alsoseems clear that there was more than a bit speculation occurring.
It alsoseems pretty well-implemented: there are big, yellow stars indicating the overall rating, so you needn't worry about having to drive and read a two-paragraph write-up at the same time.