"When you're dealing with someone who really is a genius, it's not like you can say, 'Let's go find ourselves another genius, ' " says Patrick Sweeney, executive vice president at Caliper, an organizational consulting firm.
Some things I like, some things you can say, not: I don't like it's different from my original.
The true test of success is whether or not you can say goodbye.
Okay, you're not going to, but can you at least say yea or nay when I kind of try to -- (laughter) -- here's the deal.
If you are giving them technology and it is not used, how can you say it is final?
BBC: ECB's Giles Clarke says referral system is 'a shambles'
Not only has he shown real tenacity and long-term vision in repeatedly starting risky ventures amid investor disquiet, he is also a charming and interesting man - not something you can say of every tech CEO.
You can say it's not worth the money, it's not worth the risks.
"You can't say he is not ready on Day One, then you want him to be your vice president, " he continued.
It seems illogical to say that you can ordain a woman a priest and then say you are not going to go on potentially at any rate, to ordain a women to the episcopate.
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Breakfast with Frost | Hope on faith
"I'm not going to say you can't do it for a short time, " Taylor told BBC Radio 5 Live.
Now, you might say, not too much can be made about one visit by one person.
FORBES: What Getting A Driver's License Says About The Seattle Economy
Can you say definitively that you're not trying to go after Minnesota at this point, that it's solid for you guys?
If you're a pioneer and you come up with something that can change the world and you turn round and say 'I'm not going to share this idea with anyone' then you only impact the few and not the many.
That's - you can pretty much do and say a number of things in your own home that you might not be able to get away with on the street.
You don't hear from Colin Powell some of the things that you hear from say Richard Pearle who's not actually a member of the administration, but you can hardly turn on a radio or television programme without hearing the ubiquitous Mr Pearle, and there are probably European voices which grate on American ears.
There is not very much you can hold in your hand and say 'wow, that is really different'.
Some will say: 'Why can you not do that AND deliver tax cuts?
If you have peak demand, not enough supply, software can say to two million washing machines 'forget the extra rinse'.
If you do the right thing, and you explain it clearly and you do it openly, I'm confident that the American people -- you can have an adult conversation and say, this is not going to be easy, this is not going to be painless, we're going to be struggling for a while, but our future is bright.
WHITEHOUSE: President Obama Takes Questions from Senate Democrats
If you can say yes to a mess, what can you not do?
FORBES: William Kristol's Acceptance Of The Mess Is Wholly Unacceptable
The one thing you can say about President Bush is that he's not moving forward with this new plan because he thinks it is popular.
Even though the U.S. economy is healing overall, there are festering cities and states (can you say Illinois?) whose risk versus reward is not in your favor.
Now George Bush got more black votes--a higher percentage this time, this last election, than he did when he first ran, but it's--still you can say about 90 percent of the black people do not support him, despite appointments such as Colin Powell and Condoleezza Rice and a few others.
And you can say many things about Ambassador Holbrooke, but harmony was not his first priority.
It's not like basketball, where you can look at a team and say they've got a little bit more firepower.
But then the man who thought the two MLAs were on the right track added "and you can say that came from a republican", which also was not necessarily that heartening if you are planning to canvass for votes around unionist areas of Lagan Valley or South Down.
And I can't say this enough to enough young people -- you might not be able to hit a ball like Jackie Robinson, but you can get your education.