Whether you go to church regularly or just attend the odd wedding or Christening, when the service starts we're all faced with the same dilemma - to sing or not to sing?
BBC: Lancashire - Quakers support same sex marriage
If you have a funeral to attend, you need to have Friday off and you are deemed to have a funeral when the dead person is a parent, a sibling, a child, a spouse or partner, an in-law, a grand-parent, a cousin, an aunt, an uncle, a friend, a classmate, a nephew, a niece, a boss, someone you go to church with, a workmate, a neighbour and of course, a president.
BBC: African viewpoint: A three-day week for Ghana?
And if you don't have gas for your car, you can't go to church.
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Go to church as you please, but in public, keep quiet.
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You can go back to the beginning of the Church, or the Roman Empire, and there never was a time that the media was in the hands of people.
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Do you believe that people who don't go to church except perhaps on Christmas Day, are Christians?
BBC: NEWS | Programmes | Breakfast with Frost | Hope on faith
Church and Longmarket Street are the places to go if you fancy a taste of the sub-continent.
BBC: Sport | Cricket | World Cup 2003 | Venues Guide
But, Wendell, look, you have somebody who has -- there are more people in here than go to his church right now.
WHITEHOUSE: Press Briefing