If the market for auction-rate securities had been a bank, you would have said that it had suffered a run.
But if you did it all, it would have the kind of impact that outside economists said it would have, which is adding up to 2 percent growth to our GDP, adding many, many hundreds of thousands of jobs.
That said, I also feel pretty confident suggesting that if you are looking at fixed-income, it would be prudent to consider individual bonds over bond funds and bond ETFs.
"It makes you kind of angry that it would happen in a place like that, " he said.
"The role of our model is to try to work out how you would develop drugs or devices that would interact with that process and stop it, " said Professor Noble.
"Obviously if you got that call, it would be the biggest honour you could receive in the game, " he said.
Plus, the Fed said it would buy more bonds, and that was when you knew the real state of real estate was truly dire.
And if they had asked us we would probably have said: well, that's fine provided you make sure it is given to everybody in an even-handed way and that it's not given to the USDA. For example, if you're going to distribute milk powder we certainly don't want the USDA to be the organization through which this milk powder is distributed.
And I said, you know, it would be kind of cool if we put a harmonica solo on that track instead of the sax.
When it comes to going after Osama bin Laden, you said, well, any President would make that call.
"I just found it alarming that this would happen in a state that you would think was more liberal, " said Harding.
As you point out statistics, Jonathan, the story today of 50 economists surveyed that said were it not for the Recovery Act employment would be far worse, to the tune of 1.2 million jobs lost.
"There had been a concern that if you were doing a transaction that involved a popular Chinese brand it would be difficult to get that through, " said Frank Schonevald from McDermott, Will and Emery law firm in Shanghai.