Notre Dame also has Andrew Hendrix, a senior with no starts, and freshman Malik Zaire at quarterback.
He has been on missions in Liberia, Yemen and Zaire, now the Democratic Republic of the Congo.
The crew couldn't make contact with the landing strip at Goma on what was then the Rwanda-Zaire border.
Potentially, Zaire is the biggest prize since the new mining scramble for Africa started some four years ago.
However, the Zaire-born Frenchman has extended his stay in West London until 2009, when he will be 36.
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The "Rumble in the Jungle" in Zaire is remembered as one of the greatest fights of all time.
The U.S. mission will not include disarming militants or forcing entry in Zaire.
What exactly should President Kabila, having conquered Zaire and renamed it Congo, put at the top of his agenda?
But Zaire's best hope, albeit a fragile one, lies in a fresh start.
Zaire will almost certainly follow suit, opening an opportunity for cross-border mining co-operation.
The hollowing out of Zaire is nowhere more apparent than in the economy.
So I told her about a man I used to employ in eastern Zaire as a local guide and translator.
Neither prostates nor the smaller 10, 000 new zaire notes will get you far in the diamond-rich province of East Kasai.
Those million-zaire notes they scoff at trade in Lubumbashi, the capital of Shaba province, at only 300, 000 to the dollar.
The Rwandans are the soldiers of the former Hutu government who fled to Zaire, together with genuine refugees, in 1994.
The Ebola virus was first detected in 1976 in the central African nation of Zaire (now the Democratic Republic of the Congo).
Over the past six weeks, rebels have overrun a wide swath of territory in eastern Zaire that stretches nearly 300 miles (480 km).
CNN: Rebels thrust toward last government-held town in E. Zaire
Auctioning diamonds works well in good times, but the price of Zaire's mainly low quality stones has dropped recently and will go lower.
It is feared that this looting could spread across the Zaire river to Brazzaville, in Congo, where Kinshasa's rich have set themselves up.
Ebola was first identified in equatorial Sudan following significant outbreaks in northern Zaire (now Democratic Republic of Congo) and southern Sudan in the mid 1970s.
Copper-market analysts believe that Zaire's high-grade ore could help create a world surplus of copper by the end of the decade, and bring prices down heavily.
Interestingly, neodymium magnets were invented in the 1980s to overcome the global cobalt supply shock that occurred as the result of internal warfare in Zaire (now Congo).
There are five strains of the virus, all named after the areas where they were found: Zaire, Sudan, Cote d'Ivoire, Bundibugyo and Reston, according to the WHO.
Congo-Brazzaville, a small country of about 2.5m people across the river from the other Congo (formerly Zaire), was due to hold a presidential election on July 27th.
In the early anarchic years of Zaire's independence, Mr Mobutu was the army commander and Mr Kabila was a leader of a regional uprising in the east.
Fighting in eastern Zaire between Tutsi-dominated rebels and Zairian troops has displaced more than one million Rwandan and Burundian refugees and left them cut off from international assistance.
Mende said the arrested men also had links to former Congolese strongman Mobutu Sese Seko, who ruled the country, then known as Zaire, for more than three decades.
Zaire's politicians are as infected by corruption as its businessmen.
Muamba was born in the Democratic Republic of Congo, then known as Zaire, and came to England in 1999 at the age of 11 after being granted political asylum.