This will require further measures beyond the current zero interest rate policy of the Bank of Japan.
In fact, Kansas City Federal Reserve President Thomas Hoenig has repeatedly expressed his desire to increase overnight lending rates to 1% from the current zero to 0.25% range by the end of summer.
He acknowledged it might not be easy for the UK government to immediately go to zero VAT under current regulations, but called on Westminster to reduce VAT on assistance dog's food to 5% as an interim measure.
Introduction of this newly designed "normally-off" memory circuit with no passes for current to leak into cuts leak current to zero in both operation and standby without any specific power supply management.
ENGADGET: Toshiba goes perpendicular to solve MRAM's power issues, rethink cache memory
Her two current movies, Zero Dark Thirty and the horror film Mama, topped the box office this weekend.
FORBES: It's Jessica Chastain's World, We're Just Living In It
If this proposal is adopted by the General Conference, it would represent zero nominal growth from the current biennium.
Surely, it can maintain a near-zero growth rate to fulfill current market valuations.
Keen to keep Malaysia competitive, the prime minister has recently declared war on costs and set a target of zero inflation, though the current 3.5% rate is already the envy of other countries.
The Bank of Japan has promised that it will stick with its current policy of zero interest rates and quantitative monetary easing (basically, printing money) until consumer-price inflation has been positive for several months and is expected to remain positive.
The company last year unfurled an ambitious plan to become a leader in the field and even stated a goal of becoming the largest solar producer in the world by 2015 from a current base of effectively zero.
FORBES: Samsung Launches S4 Mini And Extends New Way Of Doing Business
Similarly, the current public discussion of zero U.S. troop presence in Afghanistan after 2014 will encourage those hardliner elements of the Taliban who have no interest in a negotiated settlement and believe they can simply wait the Americans out.
Last week, the Fed released minutes for the mid-October FOMC minutes where they agreed to analyze the possibility of enhancing or replacing their current forward-guidance for zero-bound interest rates.
FORBES: Fed Chairman Bernanke Warns Washington: Fix The Fiscal Cliff Or Face Recession
That failure means that investors and researchers will zero in on the HDL analysis published in the current issue of the Journal of the American Medical Association.
Short-term interest rates are already at zero and it has been five months now since mortgage rates reached current record low levels.
FORBES: There's Very Little Chance Stocks Avoid Year-End Sell Off
Korean giant Samsung is offering its entire line on a two-year installment basis at zero interest -- an effective discount of 20% based on current financing costs.
As long as the account is open and in good standing (which it will be if your balance is zero), you will be reported to the credit bureaus as current on the account each month.
Last month the Fed said that as long as inflation remained modest, it could keep short-term rates near zero until the unemployment rate dips below 6.5 percent from the current 7.8 percent.
The current proposal would go further than the prior rule by eliminating "zero plus" tick short sales, which is when the stock trades flat after a prior uptick.
The Fed has said it plans to keep its key short-term interest rate near zero at least until the unemployment rate dips below 6.5 percent from its current 7.6 percent.
With current interest rates on savings accounts, CDs, and money market accounts languishing near zero, expect purchasing-power losses to continue for depositors.
This would be a shift from its current approach, in which it says how long it expects interest rates to remain at around zero for.