Park, who read a prepublication copy of Zero Point, chuckles at some of Cook's conclusions.
Other popular video clips viewed online included German diver Stephan Feck's 'zero point' dive, Cuban pole vaulter Lazaro Borges' pole snapping mid-vault and Usain Bolt's performance in the men's 100m final.
Energy is NOT limited, when we examine the potential of zero-point energy couple with models of broken parity, energy is infinite in scope.
FORBES: Climate Scientists Deepening Skepticism of Democracy
When you run out of points for a day, you have to resort to zero-point foods like carrots, or risk not losing weight.
What we need is for the true scientists to come out and be allowed to work on these zero-point energies that will solve this scarcity of energy problem once and for all.
FORBES: Climate Scientists Deepening Skepticism of Democracy
If one researches zero-point energy and the discoveries of broken parity (Dr. Lee, Nobel Price winner in 1958 for demonstrating broken parity) found to exist in the fundamental atom forces, there is no reason why magnetic energy devices can not be developed.
FORBES: Climate Scientists Deepening Skepticism of Democracy
"First of all it was not 10, it was a one point zero zero because the computers couldn't cope!"
"We have hit a point of zero violations of the line, " Mr Roed-Larsen told reporters on Monday after meeting Lebanese President Emile Lahoud.
"The Secretary-General and President Lahoud agreed that when we hit this point of zero violations Unifil should be redeployed in the south, " said Mr Larsen.
While still among the elite top-five shoo-ins for Best Picture (the others being Lincoln, Zero Dark Thirty, Silver Lining Playbook, and Les Miserables), I think this picture needs strong showings in the early awards season to make a comeback and really challenge Lincoln and Zero Dark Thirty at this point.
In June 2011, a huge instance of fraud led to a market crash, with the value of Bitcoins at one point plummeting to almost zero.
But the crucial point is that there is zero evidence that it has put them on a more solid footing.
Their bulging, compound, lidless eyes zero in on the exterior signs that point to a flower's interior nectar--spots, dots and stripes.
Venture capitalists, including Andreessen, are quick to point out their business is not a zero-sum game.
FORBES: In Double Whammy, Andreessen Horowitz Brings Jeff Jordan On As Partner
It has a freezing point well below 32 degrees Fahrenheit or zero Celsius and therefore is able to prevent the precipitation that falls into it from freezing on the plane's surface.
According to this calculation, rates could drop another full percentage point before the Fed hits "real" zero.
Just as suddenly the air deadened, and at one point during the night the wind meter read zero.
At some point, borrowers must pay the piper and the zero hour appears to be fast approaching.
It is not difficult to work out that, from the Fed's point of view, this brings them dangerously close to zero.
Any economist, or really any businessperson, will stop you right there and point out that your incentive structure is inherently adversarial and zero-sum.
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This quarter may mark an important turning point for the company that has struggled under a near zero interest rate environment for more than a year.
At some point corporate buying will become corporate selling, even in a zero interest rate environment.
Point to point, over the past decade the market returned a fat zero, 1% these past five years.
From that point forward in Iraq, we have drawn down now to zero in accordance with our agreement with the Iraqi government.
As Jay Yarow and Henry Blodget at the BusinessInsider point out, even assuming a steep drop in margins and zero revenue growth, Apple still represents a reasonably good investment.
The point guard had a clear look at the clock as it raced toward zero atop the backboard.
During the period 1645 to 1715, the low point of the Little Ice Age, the number of sunspots declined to zero for the entire time.
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Aviation leaders are quick to point out the nation's impressive commercial airline safety record in 2010: zero fatal crashes.
Binzel recently created a 10-point scale for estimating the threat of a near-Earth asteroid, with zero indicating no chance of an Earth impact and 10 indicating a certain Earth impact with severe, global damage.