And from there continue south, zig-zagging through ancient small streets with traditional courtyard residences.
Those who choose the slope hop and zig-zag across and down, as if they're skiing.
The Bank of England has predicted the UK will "zig-zag" in and out of growth.
The OBV shows a bullish zig-zag formation and the daily OBV (not shown) confirmed the recent highs.
When Sir Mervyn King spoke of the "zig-zag" pattern we could expect in 2012, he wasn't wrong.
The criticism wasn't shared, and the Missoni brand gained quick popularity with its original striped and zig-zag patterns.
" But with all their flip-flopping and zig- zagging their real slogan should be, "Hype is on the way.
CNN: Pataki: 'Bush says what he means, he means what he says'
In the meantime, expect wide swings in prices as the princes zig when the rest of the market zags.
At 27 he discovered motivational speaker and evangelical Christian Hilary Hinton (Zig) Ziglar.
There should be less James Smiths and more Zig-Zag Banana-Hammocks in this world.
Throughout, the media took dead aim at our strategic zig-zags and revolving-door CEOs.
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He would craft a game plan that allowed him to zig when everyone assumed he was about to zag.
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Bank of England governor Sir Mervyn King has previously warned that the economy will continue to "zig zag" this year.
It's impossible to predict how the Dow, that popular barometer of the stock market, will zig and zag from here.
Officers gave out dozens of warnings to parents who pulled up on the zig-zags painted on the road outside the school.
The OBV broke through its major resistance, line g, by the end of the month after forming a bullish zig-zag formation (see circle).
The pirates repeatedly attempted to reach the ship, firing at it with rocket-propelled grenades, but the Master performed zig-zag manoeuvres and successfully evaded boarding.
FORBES: Korean Ship Captain Honored for Extraordinary Bravery at Sea
The official Olympic Zig Zag Route, a winding climb that averages a 5% gradient over its 1.6 miles, is the fastest way to get to the top.
That same year he was laughed out of the BMG boardroom when he proposed a deal with Zig and Zag, two morning chat show puppets.
And if you want the sprightly punchy, historically informed musicianship of Jos van Immerseel and Anima Eterna (Zig Zag Territories), you are out of luck altogether.
Examples include one immigration fraudster caught with a number of fake identities after his zig-zag route across four countries was noticed by UKBA officers in Belfast.
Needless to say, what is most compelling about this photograph is not just the obvious relationship between the two boys, but that amazing fence zig-zagging into the distance.
To embrace the up-and-down nature of markets by journeying, understanding that while the ultimate goals are higher and further, the path will rise and fall, zig and zag.
FORBES: Throw Out Your Plans for 2013. Business Is a Journey.
The chip technology at the center of the company's stripped-down business model is 30 years old but has attracted fresh attention from investors that has sent the stock zig-zagging.
Zig Ziglar, the famed author and motivational speaker who's been pumping up salespeople, entrepreneurs and corporate employees for five decades, announced Tuesday that, at age 80, he's finally had enough.
Chasing remnants of the Iraqi 10th Armored Division and blocking key bridges over the Tigris River, Newland's unit has been zig-zagging across central and eastern Iraq for a week now.
Over two days, Captain Seog steered the ship on a zig-zag course, so that the pirates would not realize that the vessel was actually heading away from, instead of towards, Somali waters.
FORBES: Korean Ship Captain Honored for Extraordinary Bravery at Sea