The creditors who will be paid only part of what they are owed are the most important in any deal because they can hold out for more.
Because any restructuring plan has to be approved by a majority of creditors, the ability of a group of lenders to hold out for a better deal has grown.
One way to do this would be to state more explicitly that a bail-out for Greece is also a bail-out for German Banks that hold lots of Greek bonds.
That's still a bit much for newspaper use, of course, so it looks like they want us to hold out until 2007 on this one, when they suppose it'll be a little more affordable in mass market pricing.
To qualify for permanent residence, applicants should hold a Shanghai residence Card and have been living in the city for a certain period of time which is yet to be worked out.
Your online education can be put on hold at any time so that you can head out into the real world for some good meeting people time.
Items to be secured include air tickets, watches, cameras etc. that are temporarily hold for in-house or out-side guests.
For All we Know, we may never meet again, before you go make this moment again, we won't say good night, Until the last note, I 'ii hold out my hand, and my heart Will be in it.
For All we Know, we may never meet again, before you go make this moment again, we won't say good night, Until the last note, I 'ii hold out my hand, and my heart Will be in it.