If there should be pregnant with potential.
So ah, we must open up more, do not have the burden can be pregnant with the baby!
The environment be pregnant with here is worn substantial silvan natural resources.
Invite public bidding and bid be pregnant with exchanges an activity at inchoate and simple goods production and commodity.
Good family environment, will be pregnant with a person's healthy psychology and sound personality and have offered the essential condition for growing up healthy behavior.
Understanding the risks associated with obesity is helpful for health-care professionals caring for pregnant women, so that additional monitoring can be provided as necessary.
And giving birth by Cesarean section isn't associated with autism in offspring, but having diabetes or high blood pressure or being obese while pregnant seems to be.
Benznidazole and nifurtimox should not be taken by pregnant women or by people with kidney or liver failure.
Some 60 per cent of underage girls who fall pregnant end up having an abortion, with the number believed to be higher among younger girls.
There are a number of things that can be done to help a pregnant woman with HIV to avoid passing her infection to her child.
Just be prepared for people to ask if you are pregnant with this behavior.
With this information, you will be able to make better decisions pertaining to the use of dietary supplements when and while you are pregnant.
Alongside this, health services should be ready to provide adolescents who are pregnant with the antenatal care they need, or to obtain a safe abortion where this is permitted by law.
Those adolescents who do become pregnant should be provided with quality antenatal care and skilled birth attendance.
Today, I found out that I'm 8 weeks pregnant. Tomorrow, I'm supposed to be leaving for Paris with my college abstinence group for a year.
Other studies show pregnant women may be able to ease their stress and anxiety by simply kicking back with some relaxing tunes.
Could a pregnant woman be charged with child abuse if she smokes, or be denied chemotherapy if it might hurt the fetus?
WHO strongly recommends that, in areas where infection with the H1N1 virus is widespread, pregnant women, and the clinicians treating them, be alert to symptoms of influenza-like illness.
Very young children, pregnant women and people with immune deficiencies who may be more susceptible to illness, should limit the time spent in a pool.
And his class might be visited by pregnant women and nursing mothers with their babies.
Experts suggested families with babies and pregnant women ditch the coil and use physical methods such as a mosquito net instead. Electric or liquid mosquito repellent is said to be acceptable.
One study showed that pregnant women in the US were more likely to be admitted to hospital with swine flu than other people.
I lay in bed for a few minutes with my hands on my abdomen, believing that I might be pregnant and hoping with all my heart that I was right.
Or it might be because doctors are more cautious with pregnant women.
But the facts Thucydides reports are pregnant with judgments begging to be born.
A New England Journal study found that pregnant women with swine flu were nine times more likely to be in intensive care.
When Sam [not his real name] found out that his pregnant wife was HIV-positive, he abandoned her, thinking that it was inevitable that their baby would be born with HIV.
When Sam [not his real name] found out that his pregnant wife was HIV-positive, he abandoned her, thinking that it was inevitable that their baby would be born with HIV.