Since yellow can be seen well at all times of the day, school zones, some traffic signs, and school buses continue to be printed yellow.
A well-rounded student having learnt multiple subjects throughout their educational career will be seen as a suitable candidate by employers in their chosen occupation in the future.
Furthermore, a well-rounded student having learnt multiple subjects throughout their educational career will be seen as a suitable candidate by employers in their chosen occupation in the future.
The best signal depends not only on its brightness but also on how well it contrasts with the background against which it must be seen.
And these guys have to be trained and, well trained. And you've seen some recent stories about guards sleeping on the job, obviously that's not acceptable.
I've not seen this done, but it could be very efficient if done well.
Even the well-off can be seen mingling with the masses in Walmart or Tesco.
Hardly anyone had seen Harry play because Wood had decided that, as their secret weapon, Harry should be kept, well, secret.
And if FIFA is so inclined to be part of the solution and (for once) not part of the problem, well, this one's a ball sitting on the grass in front of a gaping goalmouth, goalie nowhere to be seen.
But if each GDS has the same airline agreements (in terms of content) as its competitor then the existing strategy may well be seen in different light -or, in other words, pointless.
But if each GDS has the same airline agreements (in terms of content) as its competitor then the existing strategy may well be seen in different light - or, in other words, pointless.
Whether it ends up on Mars as well remains to be seen.
The small guest bedroom, previously assumed to be unoccupied, as there had been no unfamiliar shoes in the well. Nor had he seen a foreign jacket in the closet.
The effect of its movement on the environment could be seen as well as heard.
But for those with little sentimental attachment to books as objects, and even less disposable shelf space, the offer of transubstantiation might well be seen as a blessing.
The shifting tactics of the Americans can be seen as well in the reports, as the war strategy veered from freely using force to trying to minimize civilian casualties.
Well Isaac Newton can be seen as following both Descartes and there for Galileo and Boyle.
We've seen increased use of sophisticated forms and letterhead to send what appears to be legitimate World Bank Group correspondence, as well as several schemes that reference the Bank.
Well, if I go with you and there's no time for me to go back home to be with my family, and also there are a lot of things that I haven't seen yet around Beijing...
This can be seen through the teaching quality, as well as the level of study research and research papers.
Different models of economic development have proven to work well. Historical and cultural heritages of countries should be seen as a common asset for all humanity.
That can be seen at the sectoral level as well as in the overall market.
The same type of natural air conditioning can be seen in Western architecture as well.
同样的自然空调也可见于西方建筑 中。
We shall of course ensure that our activities are well announced, and soon it will be seen that everything is for the good of all.
It will certainly be seen that way, he suggests, Glaucon There is no job, he states, that cannot be performed equally well by both men and women.
他暗示那将一定会被,和,Adeimantus,视为无稽之谈,by,Glaucon, and,Adeimantus。,他表示没有一种工作,是不能由男女,同等胜任的。
It will certainly be seen that way, he suggests, Glaucon There is no job, he states, that cannot be performed equally well by both men and women.
他暗示那将一定会被,和,Adeimantus,视为无稽之谈,by,Glaucon, and,Adeimantus。,他表示没有一种工作,是不能由男女,同等胜任的。