A passionate man thinks only about himself, while a man seeking to be well thought of thinks only about others.
You are anxious to be well thought of also, and you may be quite successful in building a professional reputation.
Being heroic is important to some: 12 per cent would like to physically rescue someone, and 26 per cent want to be well thought of by family and friends.
They thought they understood reality well, and that the future would just be one of ever more precise measurements. They could not have been more wrong.
But just cogitating on that thought a bit - if we were to adopt the same principles to outside of work, in our personal lives as well, can there be a better lesson we can convey to our children?
To actually focus and be aware of each and every thought form that you think can be exhausting and not to mention a little scary as well.
A service, in this context, can be thought of as a function that has a well-known interface, can be obtained from a service provider, is stored in service containers, and is addressable by its type.
Inspire people with well thought out, attractive visions of how things can be better.
Well, if you put it that way, it's going to be disappointing – because your readers will say, ‘Yes I had thought of that before’!
A Leader Must be a Good Problem Solver: No matter how well thought out, the road to realizing a vision will be full of potholes.
The implementation of the service also needs to be well thought out so that the implementation artifacts (for example, components) are also inherently reusable across multiple service implementations.
Mr Roh, a son of the soil who had taught himself well enough to get through South Korea’s ferocious bar exams, was thought to be different.
Mr Roh, a son of the soil who had taught himself well enough to get through South Korea's ferocious bar exams, was thought to be different.
Well, the TV producer did not think this was going to be a big deal; she was not digging this line of thought.
The new species of the Oreoglanis genus, was found in rocky, fast-flowing streams all over Thailand, and is thought to be present in neighbouring countries as well.
There is a considerable variation within each of these schools of thought - so much so that for the present purposes the modern versions might as well be completely different schools of philosophy.
They must have thought: Well, if she thinks she's somebody of worth, she must be.
A team from 18 institutions identified those that influence the production of antioxidants, pigments, aromas and flavours, as well as hundreds thought to be involved in disease resistance.
这项研究的团队由18个机构组成,他们辨认出了克利奥洛树植物基因组中参与产生抗氧化物的基因,产生天然色素的基因,以及产生香味和滋味的基因。 另外还发现了几百个被认为能抗病害的基因。
The incidence of hypertension is not always well documented, but it is at least 300 per 100,000 persons; the prevalence is thought to be much higher and may even reach 30% in elderly patients.1, 2.
高血压的发病率并不总是有据可查,但每10万人中至少有300人;普遍被认为比这要高的多,甚至在年老患者可以高达30% (1,2)。
Of course all these scholars are men themselves throughout hundreds of years of tradition — they thought, well you can't have a woman Apostle, so it must be a man's name.
Offline portlets can be thought of as regular portlets with some additional constraints, as well as some added capabilities.
Well, here's one other that you might not have thought of, and that is that most of the chords in rock music in particular tend to be root-position chords, and for that reason they're easier to hear.
"I purchased what I thought was a top-of-the-line product only to be terribly disappointed," one user wrote Tuesday. "This is my first iPhone and may well be my last."
S: Well, I'm not sure that a lot of people will be comforted by the thought of waiting another six months.
When I was young I thought that a well defined interface served the purpose of defining and limiting what an interface would be used for.
When I was young I thought that a well defined interface served the purpose of defining and limiting what an interface would be used for.