Many barriers prevent people from registering births and deaths.
By law we are required to keep a register of births and deaths.
The rates of growth of births and deaths will depend a number of factors.
Last week it launched a campaign to register all of the world's births and deaths.
The only way to count everyone and to track all births and deaths is through civil registration.
Letting and managing agents are a particular problem because there is little record of births and deaths.
propose steps to improve health information and registration of vital events - births and deaths - in low-income countries;
After initial census, births and deaths were reported by village informants and updated monthly by project enumerators.
In the Indian capital, 1,004 girls were born for every 1,000 boys in 2008, according to the Chief Registrar, Births and Deaths.
In the Indian capital, 1, 004 girls were born for every 1, 000 boys in 2008, according to the Chief Registrar, Births and Deaths.
For health agencies like WHO, civil registration systems are the most reliable source of statistics on births and deaths, and causes of death.
In 2007, 204 000 individuals lived in the DSS area, where field workers visit households every 4 months to record migrations, births and deaths.
The sociocultural aspects of mortality and their effect on the reporting of births and deaths in Afghanistan need to be investigated further.
To be without mindfulness or self-control is the breeding ground of evil and defilement, of being entangled in the cycle of births and deaths.
There is an urgent need for better country level data and for support to building information systems able to identify and monitor all births and deaths.
Accountability means counting: counting the resources actually delivered and measuring their impact, but also counting births and deaths, and investigating and recording the causes of these deaths.
Announcements of births, marriages and deaths appear in some newspapers.
Civil registration is the way by which countries keep a continuous and complete record of births, deaths and the marital status of their people.
They give high priority to the establishment of badly needed information systems for the registration of births, deaths, and cause of deaths.
But much of the region has experienced a calamity in this respect, with many fewer births and many more deaths than would otherwise have been the case.
There were nearly eight more fetal and infant deaths per 1, 000 births among obese women than among women with normal weight.
Obese women suffer about eight more fetal and infant deaths per 1, 000 births than women who enter pregnancy at a recommended weight, according to the study.
Children suffer from numerous respiratory diseases, which account for 15.8 percent of all deaths among children. Premature births and late-term pregnancy complications are also frequent.
Rising births and falling deaths accounted for most of the remaining population growth, officials said.
The absolute difference in MMR between the western and eastern regions declined from 65.4 deaths per 100 000 live births in 2000 to 49.4 per 100 000 live births in 2005.
However, between 1990 and 2008, the global maternal mortality ratio (i.e. the number of maternal deaths per 100 000 live births) declined by only 2.3% per year.
The child mortality rate is 198 per 1000; the infant mortality rate 107 per 1000, and the maternal mortality rate 1,071 deaths per 100,000 live births.
The child mortality rate is 198 per 1000; the infant mortality rate 107 per 1000, and the maternal mortality rate 1,071 deaths per 100,000 live births.