It was a nickname they used to speak about him among themselves, without attracting attention.
Spectacular achievement is always preceded by unspectacular preparation.
Squares of light filled the discreet spaces of this life, creating walls out of shadows.
And it's that unnoticeable man with a big birth-mark on his head who will be blamed for it.
In test runs of the device, the depth camera was affixed to a head-mounted rack that is anything but inconspicuous.
I watch the undetected corner of the nature and feel the deep voice.
Although the idea of alternative descriptors was available, the monolithic metadata made it an unattractive option.
ARM executives play down such a dramatic story line in their typical, low-key fashion.
The Assyrian people survived the loss of their state, and they remained mostly inconspicuous for the next 600 years.
They can be blank and positioned in unobtrusive areas of the application, or they can be used to display a logo or other branding.
The granulomatous lesions, regardless of location, result in enlargement of the part and often encroachment on adjacent tubular of cavernous structures.
它们可能用不引人注意的方式缓慢地杀害人民,促进退化性疾病也许在10 -30年生效。
They might kill people slowly in a way that's unnoticeable, taking effect over perhaps 10-30 years by accelerating degenerative diseases.
Since the cost of digital distribution is almost zero, the thinking goes, cinemas ought to gamble on more obscure products.
He is always sitting at an unnoticeable corner. Doing things alone; eating alone. He never communicates with others.
They ignore the obvious stuff and concentrate instead on the seemingly unobtrusive little tics that the writer and reader barely notice.
The less his power, the more safely obscure and unnoticed does he feel his position to be, and the more readily does he relapse into remissness.
Due to the wire width and the space between wires on PWB becoming finer the insulating capability of PWB is affected by ionic migration, that was not paid enough attention to for a long time.
Animals are regarded by scientists as a valuable indicator of climate change because they can rarely adapt rapidly enough for change to pass unnoticed.
The architects designed a two-storey house with both a staircase and a discreet lift, to enable easy access for a wheelchair without appearing unattractive.
They're neglected, they tend to be pushed into the background, and this extra attention has a much bigger effect on them that it would on a person of more normal intelligence level.
Mourinho's side will not get highly praised for style, but their players have confidence in their technical nous, and it was their economical but unspectacular play that earned them this triumph.
Just like the pounds that gradually accumulate over the years, the wait gains in our software development cycle often go largely unnoticed.
The improvement won't be very noticeable at first, but this is a small step toward unearthing more value in search and getting you more relevant results.
We demand ever more powerful technologies, while expecting them to be smaller, more compact and discreet.
Eye-tracking technology unobtrusively follows a reader's eye movements as the person views a page.
Inconspicuously, I sniffed my hair. It smelled like strawberries, the scent of my favorite shampoo.
We have found that if you are very unattractive, it can hurt you a lot in forming romantic relationships.
'Our daily job is as intense and thorough as it has ever been,' Mr. Stephens said. 'These issues that have come up were really a surprise for us — but a wake-up call because things can slip by.'
The right to be listened to without having to be interesting