• 一个执行报告用于帮助管理者关注于那些不被注意问题机会

    A performance report is supplied to help a manager focus his attention on problems or opportunities that might otherwise go unnoticed.


  • 一些不被注意破坏可能会导致火灾余震之后掉落碎片会砸伤人。

    Unnoticed damage could lead to fire or injury from falling debris during an aftershock.


  • 同样,无论看人看设计思维引导思考一些并注意方面

    Likewise, the thinking of design can guide me to ponder over neglected aspects when I observe people and things.


  • 国际舞台上原知名不被注意人物,国内事务中也只是一个普通角色

    He had been unknown or unnoticed in the world drama and played a modest part in domestic affairs.


  • 本文对在教学和进修中碰到平时不被注意各种典型句子,交际语法动作体态角度加以分析归类,并着重介绍了它的表达形式

    Introduces and analyses some typical but often neglected expressions that show the aspect and state of an action from the Angle of communicative grammar of English.


  • 照片所取景观其实来自人们平时熟悉的城市空间然而经过作者别出心裁框取,这些本来注意突然显出了一种陌生感

    In fact, landscape in the photos comes from the familiar urban space, however, through the artist's unique framing, those sceneries and things we don't pay any attention to suddenly look strange.


  • 不被注意行动谨慎写作那些隐藏的最深的——只有这些事物中,他们才会理解也许制度如此多的关注所有这些努力只是为了知道什么以及,我是

    My most unnoticed actions, discreet writings, those most disguisedfrom these alone they'll understand me. But maybe it's not worth so much care, all this effort just to know what and who I am.


  • 美国合适街头行为需要注意不被注意之间取得良好平衡

    Proper street behavior in the United States requires a nice balance of attention and inattention.


  • 现在全部注意都放在的工作上,仿佛决心耻笑压倒。

    He threw his entire attention upon his work, now, as if determined not to be put down by the mirth.


  • 作弊常常觉得自己是不被注意到的,好像他们行为“无关紧要”,没有真正伤害到任何人

    Cheaters often feel invisible, as if their actions "don't count" and don't really hurt anyone.


  • 题可能在于,在我们的办公室里,当我们试图集中注意力时,我们无法控制自己不被其他人的谈话所吸引。

    The problem may be that, in our offices, we can't stop ourselves from getting drawn into others' conversations while we're trying to focus.


  • 贫穷就是其中之一,而且尽管人们生活中扮演非常重要的角色经常不被注意

    Poverty is one of those issues, and oftentimes it goes with little notice, despite its extreme effect on people's lives.


  • 这种溶解有机物直到最近认为总体当中重要组成部分但是博士注意海洋中的散布有点奇特。

    This dissolved organic matter was not, until recently, thought to be an important component of the total. But Dr Jiao noticed something odd about its distribution in the sea.


  • 正忙于某事——一封好写邮件,报告中棘手那一段搜寻某个很重要人物——这样的时候,要是注意不被分散就了(而事实常与愿违)。

    Have you ever been right in the middle of somethinga complicated email, a tricky paragraph of a report, a hunt for some vital figuresonly for your concentration to be shattered?


  • 尽管排名争夺得激烈,参与者对此忍受程度高于远离聚光灯的关注他人注意

    And though the rows were fierce, they were far more bearable than being out of the spotlight and unseen by others.


  • 如果视觉分散的或者左右环视房间倾听者(貌似应该演讲者,估计原文有误)就觉得不被赞同或者注意他这里

    If you are visually distracted and darting your eyes around the room, the listener is likely to feel unsupported and will feel your attention is somewhere else.


  • 我们需要读者注意放在阅读内容那些冗余的细节干扰。

    Those details distract from the reading process and we need the reader to pay attention to the content and not the text.


  • 所有一切只是学年开始奥尔特岁月开始,为了防备别人和不被注意,我耗尽所有的时间。

    All of this was still in the beginning of the year, the beginning of my time at Ault, when I was exhausted all the time by both my vigilance and my wish to be inconspicuous.


  • 很多会议会让尤其感到无聊思维混沌如果发现自己无法集中注意,就记录下来会议内容,过后不被打扰的环境下再细细看来。

    Meetings in particular can be nervewrackingly chaotic or deadly dull. If you tend to zone out or lose track, record them and review the sessions later, undisturbed.


  • Ella低下试图注意努力想把自己包起来并且看上去局外人

    Ella kept her head down, trying not to be noticed, struggling to catch up and feeling like an outsider.


  • 如果研究可证明学习能力减退普遍规律便帮助解释刺激物不被注意时,学习力如何得到提高。

    If this proves to be a general rule of nondeclarative learning, it could help to explain how potent instances of learning can arise when sensory stimulation is not always coupled with attention


  • 现有版本电极已经可以植入手机中,Yang先生宣称它们很快缩小拇指大小使人们携带在身上他人注意

    Existing versions of this electrode are small enough to fit into a mobile phone and Mr Yang claims they will soon be shrunk to the size of a thumbnail, enabling people to wear them without noticing.


  • 注意我们必须输出方法设置text这样才有正确格式文本(而且字符实体转义)。

    Notice that we had to set the output method to text so that it is properly formatted (and the character entities are not escaped).


  • 即使是一抹不被人所注意绿色有着独特的

    Even with all the attention of the green, also has its unique beauty.


  • 即使一朵优雅的花儿绽放人们注意地方

    Even a elegant flowers, bloom in places not to be noticed by people.


  • 管是什么一些必要方面改变个人的,都会在一定程度上扭曲不被注意那些方面就是能够解除压抑改变的方面。

    Whatever would change the individual in the necessary respects is distorted or goes unnoticed just to that extent and in those respects in which it could lift the repression and change him.


  • 管是什么一些必要方面改变个人的,都会在一定程度上扭曲不被注意那些方面就是能够解除压抑改变的方面。

    Whatever would change the individual in the necessary respects is distorted or goes unnoticed just to that extent and in those respects in which it could lift the repression and change him.


- 来自原声例句

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进来说说原因吧 确定