• 要不是邻居介入可能会没命了。

    She might have been killed if the neighbours hadn't intervened.


  • 参议员特森这次拒绝介入

    Senator Bentsen has declined to get involved this time around.


  • 从内心深处支持丈夫介入这个组织

    Deep down, she supported her husband's involvement in the organization.


  • 军事介入使冲突加剧

    Military intervention will only aggravate the conflict even further.


  • 问题在于决定何时介入

    The problem lies in deciding when to intervene.


  • 主观因素介入,愈能作出恰当的判断

    People who are less subjectively involved are better judges.


  • 迫使军方介入,成立一个临时政府

    That compelled the military to intervene, installing a caretaker government.


  • 从不介入无原则的争端

    He never gets involved in unprincipled disputes.


  • 健康状况恶劣贫富不均之间关系已过于明显政府应该积极广泛介入

    The relationship between poor health and inequality is too pronounced for governments to be passive about large-scale intervention.


  • 提出警告,别介入得太

    I would caution against getting too involved.


  • 银行介入使这家公司免于经济崩溃

    The bank stepped in to save the company from financial ruin.


  • 警方不得不介入两个敌对团体之间

    Police had to interpose themselves between the two rival groups.


  • 不想另一个家伙介入领域知道吗?

    I don't want another guy moving in on my territory, you know?


  • 一个独立机构介入劳资之间进行调解

    An independent body was brought in to mediate between staff and management.


  • 警方介入分裂又互不信任人隔离开。

    Police moved in to separate the two groups, already sundered by distrust.


  • 西非经济共同体授权介入执行停火协定。

    He'd been mandated by the West African Economic Community to go in and to enforce a ceasefire.


  • 运动队教练不得不介入使两个运动员没有动起手

    The team coach was forced to step in to stop the two athletes from coming to blows.


  • 过去除非受邀请介入,否则联合国不参与各国内部事务

    In the past, the UN has stayed out of the internal affairs of countries unless invited in.


  • 你的孩子做出错误的选择时,不要急于介入

    Don't be quick to get involved when your children make an improper choice.


  • 没有第三者介入他们中间

    There was no third person to come between them.


  • 碰巧的是,美国武装部队已经介入此事。

    As it happens, America's armed forces are on the case already.


  • 我们不是主张政府大肆介入人民生活

    We're not advocating a major imposition of the government into people's lives.


  • 联邦上诉法院周二再次介入并未提供急需解决方案只是延长了该斗争

    A federal appeals court weighed in again Tuesday, but instead of providing a badly needed resolution, it only prolonged the fight.


  • 他们称:“只熊自然栖息地生活更好,如果情况恶化机构将会介入。”

    "The bear would do better in its natural habitat and the agency would step in if its condition deteriorated," they said.


  • 如果流行病学家能介入玩家众多游戏他们就可以观看玩家面临不同种类危险时,行为是如何变化的。

    If epidemiologists had access to a heavily populated game, they could watch how players' behavior changes in response to variations in the risks they face.


  • 肌较受累有时神经介入严重

    The dorsiflexors of the foot are involved early and sometimes the nerve involvement is severe.


  • 母亲介入哥哥之间争论

    Mother interposed in the dispute between my brother and me.


  • 尽力使自己介入这场没完没了的争论

    He tried to be not involving himself in this endless argument.


  • 介入行为采取三种形式之一

    A novus actus interveniens may take one of three forms.


  • 就是为什么介入团队

    AAM: That is why there are the intervention teams.


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