• 重型火箭2004年进行首次发射可以24负载发送地球轨道,也能将用于通讯卫星11吨重的载荷送入地球同步轨道

    The rocket made its first flight in 2004 and is capable of launching payloads of up to 24 tons into low-Earth orbit and 11 tons toward the geosynchronous orbits used by communications satellites.


  • 过去商业太空运输几乎专指一次性运载火箭将通信卫星送入地球同步轨道

    It used to be that commercial space transportation was almost exclusively about launching communication satellites into geosynchronous orbit using expendable launch vehicles.


  • 然而目前为止,WGS覆盖仅限于太平洋地区卫星位于玻利尼西亚上空22500米的地球同步轨道

    For now, however, WGS coverage is limited to the Pacific region where the first satellite is stationed in geosynchronous orbit 22, 500 miles over Polynesia.


  • 这个计划不同,更多研究者的努力方向是使用轨道高度22300英里地球同步卫星它们地球位置相对固定,可以不间断地传送能源

    Moststudies have focused instead on geostationary satellites, those whoseorbit 22, 300 miles above the Earth keeps them over a single location, to which they would transmit a continuous flow of power.


  • “鑫诺二号”卫星29日零时20点火升空25分钟运载火箭分离进入地球同步转移轨道

    The satellite split off from the rocket about 25 minutes after its 00:20 lift-off, entering a geosynchronous transfer orbit.


  • 现在,波音公司依然该领域占有绝对领先的地位,在地球同步轨道部署了大量用于商用民用军用通信卫星

    Boeing today specializes in geosynchronous communications satellites for commercial, civil and military use.


  • 轨道(高地同步轨道)意味着这些卫星总是位于地球点之上,保证持续观察

    This orbit (a high Earth or geosynchronous orbit) means that the satellite will always be directly over the same point on Earth, ensuring a continuous view of the ground.


  • 地球同步轨道环境卫星(GOES) -P2010年3月4夜晚发射,这只是距离地球22,300英里旅程开端

    When it launched on the evening of March 4, 2010, the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES) -p was just beginning its journey to orbit 22, 300 miles from Earth.


  • 地球同步轨道环境卫星(GOES)-P2010年34夜晚发射只是距离地球22,300英里旅程开端

    When it launched on the evening of March 4, 2010, the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellite (GOES)-P was just beginning its journey to orbit 22,300 miles from Earth.


  • Soyus火箭携带了一颗将被送入地球同步轨道军用通讯卫星升空。掠过俄罗斯乌拉尔群山最大城市叶卡捷琳堡时,制造了这场盛大的表演

    The Soyuz rocket, launched to carry a military communications satellite into orbit, created a spectacular light show as it passed over Ekaterinburg, the biggest city in Russia's Ural Mountains.


  • Starbrook一个地面宽场光学传感器能够测量高空地球轨道数量不断增加物体比如地球同步卫星全球定位系统型轨道

    Starbrook is a ground-based wide-field optical sensor capable of surveying the increasingly large number of objects in the higher-Earth orbits, such as the geostationary and GPS-type orbits.


  • 本文将一种有效的自适应滤波方案成功地应用地球同步卫星轨道交会状态估计参数估计之中。

    An efficient adaptive filtering scheme is successfully used in the state and parameter estimation for the orbital rendezvous of earth synchronous satellites.


  • 本文阐述了地球同步卫星特征用途及其轨道计算

    This paper deals with the characteristic, the USES and the calculation of orbits of earth synchronous satellite.


  • 建造这样个设备意味着,会架设一条地球同步轨道卫星下方,地球赤道上方电缆同时可以太空中有效利用这个对重平衡电缆。

    Building one would mean lowering a cable from a satellite in a geosynchronous orbit above the Earth's equator while deploying a counterbalancing cable out into space.


  • 滤波计算过程中,采用改进的广义卡尔曼滤波算法地球同步轨道通信卫星为背景,进行计算机仿真研究

    Computer simulations are done based on certain earth synchronous communications satellite, and an improved extended Kalman filtering algorithm is adopted in course of filtering.


  • 本文地球同步卫星发射轨道作了一些分析

    This paper provide some analyses of launch trajectory for launching geosynchronous satellite.


  • 卫星空间环境以及结构特点分析结果表明,地球同步静止轨道卫星表面存在静电放电可能性

    By analyzing the space environment and the structure characteristics of the satellite in GEO, the surfaces of the satellite exists the possible conditions of ESD.


  • 推力有限时,地球同步轨道卫星远地点变轨弧段很长,会导致较多燃料消耗

    In the case of finite thrust apogee maneuver for the geostationary satellite, the fuel consumption increases due to the long burn arc.


  • 洛克希德马丁公司的工程师第二个天基红外系统SBIRS- 2)地球同步轨道卫星(全球环境展望2)的工作。

    Lockheed Martin engineers work on the second Space Based Infrared System (SBIRS) geosynchronous orbit (GEO-2) spacecraft at Lockheed Martin's facilities in Sunnyvale, Calif.


  • 地球同步轨道卫星自主导航技术研究

    The research on geosynchronous satellite autonomous navigation technology.


  • 讨论地球人造地球卫星轨道平面影响介绍卫星太阳同步轨道设计原理

    The effect of the flat rate of the earth on the orbit planes of satellites is discussed and the design principle of sun-synchronous orbit of satellites is introduced.


  • 提出一个颗同迹有一定倾角地球同步圆形轨道(IGSO)卫星组成的区域导航星座方案

    A regional navigation constellation scheme composing eight IGSO satellites of ground track is presented in this paper.


  • 典型的通讯卫星位于地球同步轨道地球上方35,900公里处,操作频率向地传输4吉赫,向上传输6吉赫。

    Typically they move in geosynchronous orbits about 22,300 mi (35,900 km) above the earth and operate at frequencies near 4 gigahertz for downlinking and 6 GHz for uplinking.


  • 由于同步轨道通信卫星位于距离地球36000公里赤道上空,因此长距离的线运动干扰与角运动干扰相比,其扰动作用显得微乎其微。

    The first kind of disturbance influences the communication more than the second kind because the geostationary communication satellite is located in the orbit 36000 kilometers higher than equator.


  • 由于同步轨道通信卫星位于距离地球36000公里赤道上空,因此长距离的线运动干扰与角运动干扰相比,其扰动作用显得微乎其微。

    The first kind of disturbance influences the communication more than the second kind because the geostationary communication satellite is located in the orbit 36000 kilometers higher than equator.


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