Sit firm and steady like a large bell, not swaying or moving.
If you are never willing to chance your arm, but always play for safety, you will not very far.
If you are never willing to chance your arm, but always play for safety, you will not get very far.
But a smooth transfer of power is by no means assured. The coming year will be a trying one.
Moreover, we cannot just think that balance is harmony, stability, proceeding in an orderly and gradual way, no confrontation, and no conflict.
I also know that I can print this out as a reference and check things off as I go along so I can keep well-organized.
A strong woman walks sure footed ly. but a woman of strength knows god will catch her when she falls.
He has transformed the staid, insular, 200-year-old savings bank into one of the largest retail Banks in central and eastern Europe.
Most people have a surface understanding of the tools they use, and they produce solid, average code as a result.
If we can stand as tall and erect as a pine tree and sit as firmly and steadily as a great bell, then we'll have a natural air of dignity and vivacity, which gives us an extraordinary presence.
The country's scientists hesitate to draw inferences when there is uncertainty, she says, instead preferring to play it safe and be cautious in their words and assessments.
四平八稳的中庸之道救不了汉军,这支队伍缺乏我的主场我怕谁的霸气,更缺乏舍得一身剐, 敢把皇帝拉下马的气概。
The doctrine of the mean can not save a well-Han Army , the team of my home , I lack the Pashui aggressive and more willing to lack of a cut , to dare to unseat the emperor's spirit.
Today inflation is far lower, the banks are solid and Turkey boasts the fastest-growing economy in the OECD club of rich countries.
1806年,让-奥古斯特·多米尼克·安格尔(Jean - Auguste - Dominique Ingres)完成了著名的拿破仑巨幅肖像画(图上)。作品中拿破仑四平八稳地端坐在一张镀金宝座上。
In 1806 Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres finished a monumental portrait of Napoleon (pictured left), sitting four-square on a gilded throne.
1806年,让-奥古斯特·多米尼克·安格尔(Jean - Auguste - Dominique Ingres)完成了著名的拿破仑巨幅肖像画(图上)。作品中拿破仑四平八稳地端坐在一张镀金宝座上。
In 1806 Jean-Auguste-Dominique Ingres finished a monumental portrait of Napoleon (pictured left), sitting four-square on a gilded throne.