Scientists have described the Aral sea as the site of the worst ecological disaster on earth.
An increasing number of scientists are beginning to explore the alternative of geo-engineering—a term which generally refers to the intentional large-scale manipulation of the environment.
If, as many scientists believe, life can readily emerge under the right environmental conditions, it is possible that life arose on Earth more than once.
The active undersea volcano could allow scientists to understand how life on Earth may have originated in such underwater environments.
The finds add weight to the idea that Philippine waters likely house more species than any other marine environment on earth, the academy statement said.
Gaia was heretical to many scientists because it seemed to suggest that life on Earth consciously controlled its environment.
Both Mars, Europa and the clouds of Venus are thought to be acidic environments, so Earthly acidophiles intrigue scientists looking for life elsewhere.
The Earthwatch Institute, an environmental organization, runs hands-on programs, teaming tourists with research scientists studying animals and the environment.
Now that scientists agree that humans have profoundly changed the Earth's climate, many have begun asking if we can use our globe-altering power to simply change it back.
Tim Shank, the expedition's lead scientist from the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution, says the diversity of large animas found rivals anything in similar habitats anywhere in the world.
Scientists have set thresholds for key environmental processes that, if crossed, could threaten Earth's habitability.
None of them has an environment like that of the earth, so scientisis do not think they will find life on them.
On the "limited earth," perhaps the most important challenges for scientists are problems related to the use of energy and the impact on our living environment.
The scientists hope the experiment will also help address the earthly scourges of hunger and malnutrition by identifying varieties suited to growing in harsh conditions.
Scientists are working off computer models that offer mere hints of what's possible: Conditions could be Earthlike, but they could also be hellish like Venus, or cold and dry like Mars.
Today scientists are starting to map the planet's living Marine highways, as well as the ocean's physical environment.
Chinese and U. S. scientists already have been collaborators on a few research projects, including an exchange of Earth environmental data.
The study of radon release and migration is the basic theoretical issue for radon measurement, which has close relationship with extensive applications in geoscience, environmental science and so on.
Water vapor in earth's atmosphere plays a crucial role for climate, dynamics of weather system, atmosphere environment, hydrology and space geodesy.
Scientists claim that global warming has become a threat to earth's environment.
In recent years, environmental scientists have turned their attention to the total productive capacity of the earth and the share appropriated by Homo sapiens.
The research results can be of great significance for environmental study, geochemical hazard forecast and prevention, and suitable fertilization.
Google on Thursday unveiled a tool that lets scientists and defenders of the environment use the Internet to keep an eye on what is left of the Earth's forests.
Today's meetings also discussed a number of issues including Planetary Boundaries, Zeroing in and Acidifying Oceans. Possible solutions were brought up for discussion.
Earthwatch Institute, an international nonprofit organization that brings science to life for people concerned about Earth's environment and future, sponsored this adventure.
Earthwatch Institute, an international nonprofit organization that brings science to life for people concerned about Earth's environment and future, sponsored this adventure.